Momentum: Fueled by Sponsors
Momentum: Fueled by Sponsors Sharing a Common Mission
There is no questions that the Outcomes Conference is fueled by the commitment of its sponsors. CLA is grateful for all those who work diligently to make this annual leadership training event happen. The team at CLA is blessed by those who come along side with the support of their time, talent and resources.
Today we bestow special recognition to our top sponsors for 2017. These are organizations that are committed to the mission of Christian Leadership Alliance. Each one understands that an investment in equipping leaders can radically change how an organization fulfills its calling and Kingdom purpose.
CLA encourages you to get to know these sponsors and discover the work they do!
Every day, the team at the National Christian Foundation (NCF) helps generous givers simplify their giving, multiply their impact, and experience the joy of sending more to their favorite causes than they ever dreamed possible.
So whether someone is passionate about more Bibles for your local church, more food for the hungry, more clean water, or more justice … they can start dreaming big, because NCF sure is.
From the simplicity of the Giving Fund to the multiplying power of Asset-Based Giving, NCF’s creative solutions help givers experience less paperwork, fewer taxes, more joy, and more impact for the charities they really care about. At NCF, they also serve professional advisors and ministries and churches in exciting and innovative ways. The result? Since 1982, NCF sent more than $7 billion in grants to over 40,000 charities who are doing amazing work around the corner and around the world.
NCF believes God is moving hearts to give like never before, around the corner and around the world. So they want to be there – on the frontlines of this modern day generosity movement, and they exist to help others be a part of it.
- NCF vision: Every person reached and restored through the love of Christ
- NCF mission: Mobilizing resources by inspiring biblical generosity

Masterworks offers expertise in the following areas:
Masterworks inspires the giving of time, talent and treasure to work that delights the heart of God. They do this by being generous in their expertise. By inspiring people to remember their purpose and calling in Christ. By being genuine in every communication. And, most of all, being Gospel-centered.
Dickerson, Bakker and Associates (DBA) provides assistance in three key areas – fund development, talent management, and strategy consulting – helping each client gain the experience and resources necessary to fuel their growth, build sustainability, and achieve a greater impact.
More than three decades of service
Founded in 1985, Dickerson, Bakker & Associates has an unbroken track record of providing professional consulting services to nonprofit clients for more than thirty years.
Hundreds of millions of dollars raised
DBA has helped hundreds of organizations raise hundreds of millions of dollars through capital campaigns and major gift development programs.
Over a thousand clients served
DBA works with a wide variety of nonprofits, faith-based and secular, small to large, across the spectrum from those seeking to simply meet individual needs in their local communities to those hoping to make a global impact for eternity.
Local impact… with a global reach
With a corporate office in North Carolina and consulting team offices across the country, DBA partners with groups throughout the United States as well as in Canada and overseas, including the United Kingdom, European Union, Scandinavia, Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Middle East.
The Outcomes Conference kicks off today. We invite you to join us April 4 – 6 at the Hyatt Regency at Reunion Blvd, in Dallas, Texas. Onsite registrations are being accepted. Come and join us for the most comprehensive leadership training event of the year!