An Effective Annual Report by Randon Samelson
A ministry’s single most powerful tool is found in one report.
At COUNSEL & CAPTIAL, we believe the annual report of Christian Churches and ministries is the single most important and powerful tool they have to tell their story. To incentivize them to pay closer attention to them, we decided to do something a bit unusual and offer a contest that challenges nonprofits to a higher standard.
Every Christian ministry we know wants meaningful community with their donors. Not one Christian ministry we know believes they have achieved this. In our experience, the greatest missed opportunity by ministries to achieve community is the failure to consistently produce a meaningful annual report.
We want to change that outcome.
Any Christian church or nonprofit ministry whose vision is commanded in Scripture may apply for this contest.
The Christian church or ministry that produces one that is consistent with the Elements of an Effective Annual Report will be eligible for these prizes:
→ Best Overall Annual Report $50,000
→ Best Letter from the CEO $12,500
→ Most Effective Focus $12,500
Founded in 1998, Counsel & Capital is a nonprofit “investment bank” serving Christians pursuing biblical priorities, free of charge.
Counsel & Capital strongly believes that the single most important opportunity for ministries is to build a bridge of confidence with major donors. Likewise, we believe the single most powerful and effective way to do this is to produce the right kind of annual report. Most ministries do not produce an annual reports and those that do rarely connect with their audience in a meaningful way.
The report submission deadline is October 1, 2018 and the awards will be presented on or before November 21, 2018.
Randon Samelson is the founder of COUNSEL & CAPITAL, a nonprofit “investment bank” serving Christians pursuing biblical priorities, free of charge. He has forty years of investment and nonprofit leadership experience and is the author of the book Breakthrough: Unleashing the power of a proven plan.
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