Align with the Father By Howard Rich
Stewards Align with the Father
When I confess my failures as a follower of Christ, I am comforted by Psalm 103:12 which says, “as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” The comfort only comes when I go to the Father, confess my failure, ask for forgiveness, and submit in loving obedience to His direction. When I am misaligned with His direction, I am unable to shepherd my family well or give wise and loving guidance to those who rely on me in my work-place.
Take a moment to think about how you connect best with God through prayer. Do you have a favorite chair you sit in as you pray, or do you kneel on the floor, or stand with your hands raised? For me, I love to go for walks in the middle of the night, or right before dawn so I can see the stars and the moon. On those walks I speak to God as I am humbled by the vastness of space.
As my eyes try to take in the majesty of His creation, I imagine entering the throne room as it is depicted in Revelation 4. In this chapter, John describes an incredible scene where God is on a throne surrounded by magnificent creatures praising Him continually by saying “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come.” John was seeing things he was nearly unable to explain or describe; this is often how I feel when I pray as I gaze at the expanse of God’s night sky.
God has done a great and wonderful thing for us as He removes our sins through Jesus. When we put ourselves under His Lordship and align our path to His, we can more clearly see and discern His plan for the resources he has placed in our hands.
In God’s creation, the distance between east and west is beyond our ability to calculate. As a steward of God’s resources, I pray you will constantly confess your failures and allow God to align your path to His desires.
Howard Rich is the CFO of Global Disciples. Howard is a life-long advocate of generous living and desires to see Christians lead from a heart of stewardship and generosity.
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Enter the pathway and align with His bigger plan for you.