Living from Quiet By Nancy Reece
Living from Quiet with Undivided Hearts
I often go to a nearby retreat center to experience quite, solitude and stillness. One of my early mentors taught me that there are things God does in the heart of a leader that only get done in quiet. A few years ago, I went to Penuel with my friend, Sandra. I wrote this in my journal just after I arrived.
O Lord, I am back where your spring flowers called to my soul. Now the gentle sunshine in a crisp fall afternoon falls on my face, bringing warmth and light. While I’m here please:
Pour into me
Soak into my heart
Seep into my being
Penetrate my soul
Drown my fears
Illuminate my dark places
Mark my path
Notice the phrase “drown my fears”? I was very deliberately choosing quiet time in order to deal with something I’d heard the Lord tell me 22 days earlier that had brought fear. I had written these words in my journal:
Nancy, are you prepared to give up the YMCA, abandon hope of a successful career, a steady job, and reasonable comfort, to give yourself to My people and to My work for the rest of your life?
I was really struggling with this question. I was looking for confirmation, wisdom, and insight. After a day of quiet, a cold, crisp evening fell. Sandra and I lit a fire in the wood stove and just talked – no distractions, just good, deep conversation. I shared with her the question I had written in my journal. She paused and then said,
“That doesn’t sound like God. The words ‘abandon hope’ aren’t in His language.”
It was as if a pair of blinders had been ripped off my eyes as I saw the truth in her words. The fear I had been wrestling with for almost a month melted away as the Holy Spirit spoke to me through a dear courageous friend. I rephrased the question:
Nancy, are you willing to give yourself to My people and to My work for the rest of your life?
It was easy to answer yes – and to trust in Jesus.
By withdrawing, choosing quiet and seeking godly counsel, I learned to be attuned to how God speaks to us in love. I also learned that Satan tries to derail our messages from God, often with a subtle change of words.
What does God want to do in your heart that can only be done in quiet?
Nancy Reece equips and encourages leaders in the ways of God. Nancy teaches as adjunct faculty at Lipscomb University’s Graduate College of Business. She has a thirty-year background in Christian non-profit and faith-based corporate leadership, and has served on numerous ministry boards. She is the author of two books and her latest is Undivided Hearts: Tender Wisdom for Tough Choices, a study for women leaders.
Join us for the Outcomes Conference, April 16-18, 2019. It’s not too late!
Nancy Reece is among our wise and expert faculty. This year she will be leading a workshop on Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback. Click the image below to learn more and complete your registration. We will see you in Dallas!