The Blessing and Breaking By Andrea Leigh Capuyan
The Blessing and Breaking for Him, by Him, and through Him
“Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it, broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, ‘Take, eat; this is my body.’”
Matthew 26:26 ESV
Broken open. Exposed. The tearing of the crust. Soft and tender bread revealed. The promise of all we need for nourishment and healing. We come to the table like His followers long ago remembering His sacrifice, partaking in His promise, receiving His healing. He is the living bread who is continually transforming our lives, our body, our appetite – filling us with His likeness.
Jesus as our living bread invites us to enjoy His life, allowing Him to be our sustenance. When we respond, He will infuse us with Himself. This uncontainable God indwells our fragile, human container. He resurrects the person we are meant to be. Our dependency grows. Our hunger deepens. And He doesn’t fail He continues to feed us. He fills our outstretched hands with His life – a fresh taste for each new day.
During this evening supper, surrounded by lively conversation Jesus interrupts – disrupts. He sets the stage for a different meal, a never-ending, everlasting feast. His broken life the centerpiece, our main course. He pulls back the curtains and shifts his disciples’ attention to the unseen and eternal. And still today, He interrupts our life. In the middle of the day, in the darkest night, in laughter and in tears He shows up. Our thoughts spin – what to do, what’s next, what does God want. We search for His perspective and His activity. And He redirects us to His table, causing us to pause, and inviting us to commune.
Communion. As we join our lives to Him, our life becomes like His – a living sacrifice. Just as He is the Bread of Life, our lives can become bread for others. He shapes, molds, and forms us into his likeness – a nourishing life – a broken life. Our lives – vulnerable and exposed – He nurtures with loving care. He gently tears apart our hard outer shell, breaking apart our resistance, revealing what is soft and tender. Then broken open we can become someone who is refreshing for weary, hurting hearts around us. Communion is the sharing in His sacrifice, laying down our lives. Are we receptive to His molding? Are we allowing Him to shape us as an imitation of Him – living bread?
In the midst of good news, answered prayers, positive results it is easy to trust that God is present and blessing us. Yet, when the tides turn, it is tempting to wonder if perhaps we’ve got it all wrong, and He is just gone, leaving us empty-handed. We long for God’s blessing. Indeed, wisdom invites us to continually seek Him, so that we do not run ahead or behind God, rather we wish to walk in step with Him. The blessing is God’s active mercy. His broken life. So that for Him, by Him and through Him, we might act. His blessing is our power.
His blessing begins our journey. God’s blessing is His act of benediction, protection, and preparation. His blessing prepares us for where He is next leading…the breaking.
Andrea Leigh Capuyan, CCNL, CNAP, is the Executive Director of the Laurel Pregnancy Center in Laurel, Maryland. She is cares about leadership development and organizational culture within the small nonprofit ministry setting. She is passionate about encouraging fellow women in their roles as leaders. Defining our identity as a steward of God informs her perspective on everything – faith, leadership and spiritual transformation.
Here is a special word about the Outcomes Conference 202o from Beth Guckenberger, C0-founder of Back2Back Ministry. Beth is serving as faculty and speaking at the Women’s Luncheon on April 9th. We encourage you to check out her newest release, Reckless Faith, a 40-day journey of saying yes.
P.S. Register TODAY because prices go up on February 1, 2020!
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