Opportunities within Crisis By Wesley K. Willmer and Micah Hogan
Never Waste the Opportunities of a Crisis
Most likely you have heard the saying, “never waste a crisis” or “with any crisis also comes an opportunity.” The reason is that the chaos of a crisis provides a ripe environment for God to work as change more readily takes place.
Particularly during this COVID-19 crisis, the possessions a Christian leader is entrusted to steward become a powerful tool to transform their personal soul, organization and the constituents they serve. When leaders allow their personal and work life to be guided by these five biblical truths, they not only honor God and mature their own souls, but they also become a light that shapes the culture in a dark world.
Adapt a “God Owns it All” paradigm (Psalm 24:1)
It seems obvious on the surface to believers that God owns it all, but it is a foundational truth often ignored. When we realize that God owns all, we shift our focus from accumulating resources for our organizations and begin to see stuff as a tool to participate in God’s work.
Since God owns all, then our supporters are not donors or philanthropists because these words imply ownership. Rather, our supporters are ministry partners or stewards and leaders will shift their focus from organizational growth to shepherding a constituency of faithful stewards accountable to God. As Psalm 92 reminds us, faithful stewards will shift their focus because God is our refuge and “we are not to fear the disease that stalks in darkness.”
Act in All You do as a Steward of God’s Resources (1 Peter 4:10)
A steward or manager is someone who uses his or her master’s things to do the master’s work. Part of God’s transforming process in our lives is teaching us how to let go of stuff and trust God to lead us into doing His work.
As we lead our organizations from the perspective of the steward, our focus shifts from productivity to discipleship. To the steward, the priority isn’t to accumulate possessions, but rather to faithfully follow God’s word. When we act as stewards, budgets are set with what God provides rather than our wish lists and success is measured by eternal fruit born not earthly accomplishments. When we realize that perfect love drives out fear (1John. 4:18), we are confident to follow God’s ways as stewards of His resources.
Live as Accountable to God (2 Corinthians 5:10)
All of us are accountable to God for our behavior in this life and God is paying attention. Christ’s disciples must lead their organizations not considering tomorrow’s profits, but eternity’s judgement. With this shift in how success is measured, all other attitudes and actions shift from a focus on stuff to a focus on ministry and bearing eternal fruit.
The appeals we write and the moves management strategies we use will shift from dollars raised to spiritual growth and maturity of your constituents. The faithful steward then can rest assured that as they live accountable to God, “no evil will conquer you nor plague come near your home.” (Psalm 91)
Be Rich Toward God (Luke 12:21)
The transformed Christian life is one that is not rich toward us but is rich toward God. An organization is rich toward God when their priority is to grow godly employees, pursue faithful administration, measure eternal fruitfulness and pursue generous gifts, goods and the gospel.
Stewards have their priorities straight when they are rich toward God both with their personal stuff, but also with the resources of their ministry. The faithful steward needs God’s help, not as a last resort, but as a priority so ask God for mercy.
Seek God’s Rewards not the Worlds (Matthew 16:27)
Jesus is clear that God also has rewards for those faithful to Him. But unlike the slew of business reward programs, God’s rewards are not a marketing scheme to get you to use His products. Our use of stuff on earth is a test with eternal consequences of crowns and responsibilities. Christ asks us, “how can I trust you with truly important responsibilities in heaven, if I cannot trust you with how you use the unimportant stuff entrusted to you on earth?” (Cf. Luke 16:11).
As believers, we can make the sacrifices of transformation knowing that we will be rewarded in our eternal life. As stewards we will see how the wicked are punished, but the faithful stewards will realize that God’s faithful promises are our armor and protection.
Once a steward leader is willing to step up confidently with character and seize this opportunity of the current crisis, they will see a radical transformation that will result in greater spiritual fruit, healthier souls and a culture saturated with God’s love and grace.
Wesley K. Willmer, Ph.D. CCNL and Micah Hogan have recently published Stuff and Soul: Mastering the Critical Connection, where they have explored this topic further. You can find it here on Amazon.
The Outcomes Conference 2020 is happening!
As you already know, we are unable to hold the conference in person. By God’s grace, we’ve found an incredible opportunity in the midst of crisis. We’ve transformed this years’ experience from a three-day in-person event into a seven-day digital experience!
Now you can learn, connect, and grow without added travel expenses and from the safety of home.