Practical Advice for Leaders By Bob Lonac
Be on Guard PLUS More Practical Advice for Leaders!
In our daily reading, Kathleen and I came across a powerful verse with practical advice:
“Now be on your guard for yourselves and for every flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you guardians.” (Acts 20:28, JB Phillips)
This is some of the earliest leadership advice given in the Bible. We are unfortunately aware of how often leaders don’t take it. You must be on guard and practical in your application of core principles.
Be the Lesson
Luke wrote this to leaders in the church. It also applies to any of us who have a responsibility to lead others. Maybe it is our children, a group like the Boy Scouts, an adult club or church fellowship group, a business or a nonprofit, a class at school, or an athletic team.
The lesson is straightforward. You can not lead people to a place you have not been or teach them something you do not know yourself. You have to “be the lesson” and be in good shape to make it come alive for others. So take care of yourself before you worry about others. They need you to be in a healthy spot.
This requires a holistic and practical approach to living — one that includes our physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
We all need…
- A healthy diet
- Routine exercise
- A good night’s sleep
- Quality social time with others
- Intellectual stimulation
- A growing relationship with God
Never Stop Growing
We never stop working on this list. Everyone has some strengths that come more naturally to them and areas that seem more difficult. There is no lack of books, articles, videos, posts, equipment to buy, and conversations to be had. The resources are out there.
Go for the long haul. Understand that we all struggle with reaching our highest potential. Remember, you are not only doing this for yourself but for those you love, serve and lead.
Self-discipline comes before trying to help others with self-discipline.
Pay attention to this central theme. You can not lead others where you have not been. Be a person of character who pays attention to their growth and relationship in Christ.
“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” (Proverbs 4:23 ESV)
Live Large
They say the best wisdom comes from experience. But sometimes that experience doesn’t have to be your own. In my new book — Live Large! — I share seven lasting lessons for navigating life’s twists and turns. Real, honest, and sometimes painful, each of these moments helped bring me closer to the Lord. It’s my hope they do the same for you.
Bob Lonac has decades of senior leadership experience in faith-based, Christ-centered ministry. His passion is helping other people grow through one-on-one mentoring and small group training. He loves building teams. He loves seeing people and organizations succeed.
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