A Great Vision and Call to Pray By Diane Strack
A Great Vision Produces Remarkable Synergy
The seed of a great vision can take root in some of the most unexpected places. For me, it began with a firm grip across the table and a heavy ask – “Gather the women of America to pray, Diane, it is the only hope for our nation,” pleaded Vonette Bright, co-founder of Campus Crusade.
When a second-hand vision becomes your own, it remains deeply ingrained in the soul. This one repeated in my head night after a sleepless night. I reasoned that one person could not pull such a thing off. Then one night I picked up a book by the courageous Brother Andrew who wrote, “God invites us to influence our community, our nation, and the world – to direct history while we’re on our knees.”
If a vision can be accomplished on your own, it isn’t from God.
The vision seemed overwhelming, as great visions do. My next thought was to pass it on by asking a few people to hear the story. All were enthusiastic, but in the end, it came back to me to lead. The prayer movement, She Loves Out Loud, was born that day as together we pledged to share healing and prayer with those who had suffered abuse and to address the call to racial reconciliation.
The synergy began to spread its power as the vision was adopted across the land. People I had never met in person built a website, set up our social media, designed graphics, and every speaker donated her time. Sheila Walsh told James Robison of the vision and he said, “Use my studio and staff.” I was blown away at how God joined us in this call.
If you are compelled by a vision, then wake up every morning expecting amazing and repeating,
“God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!“
Ephesians 3:20
I wish I could share a sure strategy, but there wasn’t one. We met online to pray and plan weekly, and I stayed at my desk 12 hours a day working as if there were no limitations. Every morning I opened my computer to see what the Lord had sent. Like Manna from heaven, emails of encouragement, funding, and support dropped into my box. A year later more than a million people joined us from all 50 states for the broadcast.
Challenge will come, but do not let it be the lead dog.
Last year, the team declared the call to expand She Loves Out Loud to “Six continents – One Heartbeat of prayer.” Five days later, I received a diagnosis of cancer, and the year that followed was a whirlwind of pain, weeping, and the unknown.
My team didn’t give up, and I learned first-hand that when you are down, God continues to work. He is the Faithful God. I came out of my surgery stupor to find that One More Child had adopted the second-hand vision, pouring out the news across the globe. Collaborators joined in and the manna is once again flowing. She Loves Out Loud Global will reach all Six Continents with One heartbeat of Prayer on November 5, 2022.
Of this I am confident: We were each created to be active, compassionate participants in the story of God’s grand narrative.
It is not louder voices that will change lives, but bigger hearts,
beating with tenacity, compassion, and prayer.
I invite you to join the vision of She Loves Out Loud Global as we join across the seas to answer the plea of the Samaritan woman, “Give me this water that I might not thirst.” Just open your door to gather with the women of the world in prayer. Swiss theologian, Karl Barth said it well: “To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world.”
So simple. So very powerful.
Diane Strack, is the Founder of She Loves Out Loud Global. I invite you to check out the vision of She Loves Out Loud Global and join us on November 5th as we gather Six Continents through One Heartbeat of Prayer. Open the door of your church, ministry, or home to gather the women of the world to pray. So simple. So very simple.
Everyone who registers for the Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience will gain immediate access to the She Loves Out Loud Global Prayer gathering because…
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