It’s Simple, Not Complex By Dr. Bob Snyder

Resist Making It So Complex
Sometimes I make following Jesus more complex than necessary. The Apostle Peter suggested that it involves a proactive positive step and a proactive boundary-setting.
“So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then. “
~ I Peter 1:14 NLT
The proactive positive step—living as God’s obedient child, submissive to the words of Abba.
The proactive boundary-setting—not slipping back into my old way of living to satisfy my desires since, as Peter says, I know better now.
These are simple, not complex, commands. But they are impossible without the power of the Holy Spirit. Join me this week in proactive living.
Sharing the journey with you.
Dr. Bob Snyder is the founder of IHS Global, a nonprofit that through partnerships, equips Christian healthcare workers who are already caring for the physical needs of their patients to also care for their spiritual needs.

Bob and his colleague, Tyler Hallman, want to bless as many people as they can with a free electronic copy of their book, “Come, Walk with Me.”
Download your copy here and then share it with someone you want to encourage and inspire. This makes for a perfect gift!

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