Discover If You Are a Steward Leader By R. Scott Rodin
Now There is a Way to Know And Grow as a Steward Leader
Christian Leadership Alliance focuses every Wednesday on thoughtful blog posts on the life and work of the steward leader. My colleagues and I have been filling this space with our best thoughts and ideas for a good number of years now. We pray you have been blessed and encouraged by what you’ve read over the years. However, in all the research, studying, writing, and reflecting on the call of the steward leader that has been done, one question has gone unanswered – “How do you measure steward leadership?”
Quantifying Steward Leadership
Our work to date has been largely qualitative and anecdotal. We know what it looks like and feels like to both leads and be led by steward leaders. But how do you quantify it? Put another way, how do we grow as steward leaders if we are not able to assess our strengths and weaknesses in that task and calling?
The second set of voices is asking similar questions. In the past five years, there has been a marked increase in the number of masters and doctoral theses being written on the steward leader. The authors (a wonderful group of emerging leaders and theologians) are looking for ways to measure steward leader effectiveness and personal growth.
To address this need and, prayerfully to help leaders globally who seek to lead as faithful stewards, we have created an assessment tool to help answer these questions.
The KOR-B Steward Leader Profile
I am pleased to introduce the KOR-B Steward Leader Profile.
This assessment is comprised of 54 questions and when it is completed it will produce a robust report that not only describes your strengths and areas for deeper reflection as a steward leader but will provide a plan for spiritual and professional growth in each of five key elements of effective steward leadership.
Your Invitation to Engage
We are currently in early testing of the assessment, and we are inviting all CLA Higher Thinking Blog readers and Alliance members to take the beta version for free.
We would greatly appreciate your help as we develop this new tool. Would you take a few minutes today, click on this link and take the assessment?
Our Commitment to You
Our commitment is to send you a link to a free version of the full assessment when it is ready to roll out early in 2023. That is our way of saying ‘thank you for helping us with this beta version.
If you are not familiar with what it means to be a steward leader, here are ten specific outcomes that exemplify the work of steward leaders. Each is critical to leadership in these times. I have added to each a question about how we are to understand our role and responsibility in preparing leaders for this moment in history.
I pray this blesses and challenges you.
Steward Leaders…
(1) Let go of reputation and lead with integrity. They are not burdened or tempted by opportunities for image-building, and so are freed to ask the right questions, hear the truth, and make hard and healthy decisions.
Will you allow God to set you free to be a leader of no reputation?
(2) Build others up by giving away power. They delight in the success of those around them. They absorb criticism with dignity and deflect praise with joy.
How can God use you to encourage and support the people you are called to lead?
(3) Seek affirmation from only one source. They are not distracted by the pursuit of worldly acclamation but yearn for the applause of nail-scared hands. They will pay the price for speaking the truth because they work for the One who is the Truth.
Will you invite God to develop in you this depth of character and faith?
(4) Die to self to lead. They die to the need to be right, best, liked, applauded, and promoted. In their place, they simply seek to be faithful. They are leaders who delight in joyful obedience to God.
How is God working in you to shift your understanding of effective leadership from tactics and techniques to obedience and death?
(5) Come when called and leave when told. They are not owners of their position or office. They accept a leadership role because God calls them, and they leave when He tells them to. They are free because they find their identity in Christ, not the office they hold.
How is God helping you stay focused on this way of understanding your call?
(6) Know that victory starts with surrender. They want only to be obedient to God’s leading for them and the welfare of the people they lead. They know that requires them to surrender their will and seek after that which serves the greater good.
How can God use you to champion new leaders who will embrace the role with such integrity and heart for surrender?
(7) Lead with courageous humility. They hold these two marks in tension and never compromise on either. They are free to lead with both selfless courage and noble humility.
How is God equipping you to lead with selfless courage?
(8) Do what is right and trust God with the outcomes. They are honest without compromise, honor their opponents, admit when they are wrong, refuse to delight in the misfortunes of their enemies, listen to those with whom they disagree, and speak the truth with grace.
Have you surrendered your leadership to God that he might instill in you this vision of leadership built on truth and trust?
(9) Live and lead with outrageous generosity. They give freely and without the need for recognition. They abhor greed and model for others the heart of a joyful steward. By doing so, they create cultures of selfless generosity.
Are you allowing God to use you to lead and model such a generosity of spirit?
(10) Redefine success for their people. They are free to lead people to greater heights of service, selflessness, generosity, peacemaking, community, honesty, integrity, and forgiveness. They redefine success in these terms and by doing so help reform and renew society and culture.
How can God use all of us to achieve such a bold vision for leadership in our churches, our nonprofits, our businesses, and our government?
The Outcome
Steward leaders who embrace this way of leading will be able to stand firm amid the cultural hostility and ecclesiastical conformity of our time. If God has given us the framework of steward theology for such a time as this, how else can we respond than by seeking to be used by Him to equip steward leaders as rapidly and widely as God gives us resources to do so!
We believe the new assessment can be a tool for just such a time. We hope you will take it today, thanks.
R. Scott Rodin is Senior Consultant/Chief Strategy Officer for The Focus Group. Over the past thirty-eight years Scott Rodin has helped hundreds of organizations improve their effectiveness in leadership, fund development, strategic planning and board development. Be sure to read Dr. Rodin’s newest book is titled, The Greater Mission.
What is Christian Leadership Alliance?
Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.
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