Thoughtful Reads to Inspire You

12 Thoughtful Reads on Innovation, Technology, Leadership and Change!
We hope you enjoy browsing these 12 thoughtful reads. Each on has been curated for a leader like you. We believe they are relevant for those of you leading today and those of you that dream of leading tomorrow. Enjoy exploring and finding new inspiration from this collection hand-picked by W. Scott Brown, CLA Vice President of Leadership Experiences and Resources for you – leaders called to serve.

1. 6 P’s of Essential Innovation: Create the culture and capabilities of a resilient innovation organization
By Michael McCathren (Ripples Media llc, June 29, 2022)
Book Overview

2. Opportunity Leadership: Stop planning and start getting results
By Dr. Roger Parrott (Moody Publishers, Feb. 1, 2022)
Book Overview

Hear Dr. Roger Parrott discuss “Opportunity Leadership” on the Best Christian Workplaces Institute Flourishing Culture Podcast (06/20/22) – LISTEN

3. The Art of Leading Change: Ten perspectives on the messiness of ministry
By Mike Bonem (Fortress Press, July 26, 2022)
Book Overview

4. God, Technology and the Christian Life
By Tony Reinke (Crossway, Jan. 25, 2022)
Book Overview

Hear Tony Reinke interviewed by Dan Darling on The Way Home Podcast discuss “Christians and Technology” (06/05/22) – LISTEN

5. Following Jesus in a Digital Age
By Jason Thacker (B&H Books, Aug. 30, 2022)
Book Overview

6. Analog Christian: Cultivating contentment, resilience, and wisdom in the digital age
By Jay Y. Kim (IVPress, July 26, 2022)
Book Overview

Hear Jay Kim interviewed by Adam Weber on The Conversation podcast about “Social Media and Your Soul” (07/27/22) – LISTEN

7. The Year in Tech 2023: Insights you need from Harvard Business Review
By Harvard Business Review (Harvard Business Review Press, Oct. 25, 2022)
Book Overview

8. Smarter Collaboration: A new approach to breaking down barriers and transforming work
By Heidi K. Gardner and Ivan A. Matviak (Harvard Business Review Press, Nov. 1, 2022)
Book Overview

9. Working Remotely: A framework for success
By (Editor) Nick B. Nicholaou, (GreenDot.Press, Feb. 7, 2022)
Book Overview

10. Listening, Helping, Learning: Core competencies of process consulting
By Dr. Mark L. Vincent (Tenth Power Publishing, May 19, 2022)
Book Overview

Hear Dr. Mark Vincent on The Third Turn Podcast discussing “Development Needs for Senior Executives” (08/15/22) – LISTEN

11. Faith Driven Entrepreneur: What it takes to step into your purpose and pursue your God-given call to create
By Henry Kaestner, J.D. Greear and Chip Ingram (Tyndale Momentum, Aug. 31, 2021)
Book Overview

Hear Henry Kaestner discuss “The Competitive Advantage of Faith Driven Entrepreneurs” on the Best Christian Workplaces Institute Flourishing Culture Podcast – LISTEN

12. The Post-Pandemic Nonprofit: 12 disruptive trends your nonprofit must master
By Jeremy Reis (Write That, May 7, 2021)
Book Overview