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Meet Dr. Mark Jobe: Outcome Conference 2023 Keynote Presenter

Dr. Mark Jobe Takes the Outcomes Conference Mainstage

Christian Leadership Alliance is featuring Dr. Mark Jobe as the opening Mainstage keynote for The Outcome Conference. The event takes place March 28-31, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare Chicago. The theme of the conference this year is ENTRUSTED.

Dr. Mark Jobe is man who has been entrusted to steward many Kingdom roles.

10th President

Dr. Mark Jobe currently serves as 10th president of  Moody Bible Institute, a higher education, broadcasting and publishing ministry.

Moody Bible Institute has been preparing students for ministry since 1886. They effectively deliver a combination of biblical knowledge and practical training. Moody provides students with a variety of learning experiences such as an undergraduate biblical studies campus in Chicago and an undergraduate aviation campus in Spokane, Washington; seminary campuses in Chicago and Plymouth, Michigan; with online options,too. Moody Bible Institute has long been considered the gold standard of Bible-based education.

In the 2019 Moody article that introduces him as the new president, Dr. Jobe shares his story and it is clear that God was preparing him for this assignment for a very long time.

Senior Pastor

Dr. Jobe is the founder and senior pastor of New Life Community Church in Chicago. He passionately leads its purpose to be a family of love that cooperates with God in making fully devoted fruitful followers of Christ. Since 1986, New Life Community Church has flourished and today it hosts 27 multisite locations in the Chicagoland area.

Nonprofit Leader

As the founder of New Life Centers, Dr. Jobe launched this nonprofit to focus on helping at risk urban youth. New Life Centers seek to walk with this generation to transform the next. Listening to their neighbors’ stories and requests, they work alongside community partners to create solutions that fit their neighborhood.

New Life Centers are inspired by 1 Thessalonians 2:8,

“…we cared so much for you that we were willing to share with you not only Creator’s good story but our own lives as well. That is how deep our love for you has become.”

Christian Communicator

Dr. Jobe is the author of Unstuck: Out of Your Cave and Into Your Call, (Moody 2014). In this book, he addresses how some of us are stuck for short seasons of time. But others surrender to a life of being continually trapped and frustrated. The hang-ups of our past, fear of failure, victim mindsets, broken relationships, disappointment with ourselves—together with the lack of fresh encounters with God—have left many of us struggling and unable to move into our next season. 

Organized around the most significant event of the prophet Elijah’s life, his cave experience, Unstuck helps you discover what is holding you back from starting a new chapter of life.

Dr. Jobe also the hosts Bold Steps, a weekday Moody Radio program heard on stations across the nation. In this program, he takes you on the path to freedom and authenticity in Christ. With candid, topical teaching from God’s Word, he offers simple gospel messages with the power to transform your life.

We are grateful Dr. Mark Jobe will be investing his best in the minds and hearts of the Alliance community at the Outcomes Conference 2023. If you serve as a Christian nonprofit professional, we invite you to join us and discover a place where a leader like you belongs.



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Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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