Christian Leadership Alliance’s Spring Reads for a Leader Like You

Spring Reads You Won’t Want to Miss!
W. Scott Brown, VP of Learning Experiences and Resources for Christian Leadership Alliance, curates reading recommendations for Spring 2023. (And some you will want to pick up later this summer!)
Drum roll, please!

1. A Daring Faith in a Cowardly World: Live a life without waste, regret, or anything unfinished
By Ken Harrison (Thomas Nelson, June 28, 2022)
Book Overview
Christian Leadership Alliance has selected this book by Ken Harrison, Chairman and CEO of Promise Keepers, as its 2023 Outcomes Conference book of the year.
“We’re pleased to recognize A Daring Faith in a Cowardly World: Live a life without waste, regret, or anything unfinished as the Outcomes Conference book of the year,” says Tami Heim, Christian Leadership Alliance president and CEO. “A book for all Christians to read, it offers a clarion call to seize what has been entrusted to you. Learn how to stand strong and live fearlessly. God’s best plan for your life and his kingdom purpose. Now is the time!”
The theme of The Outcomes Conference 2023 is “Entrusted.” Christian Leadership Alliance embraces its mission to equip and unite courageous leaders, men and women, who seek to transform the world for Christ. The Alliance is pleased to name A Daring Faith in a Cowardly World its 2023 Outcomes Conference book of the year.
See Ken Harrison host Promise Keepers’ “PK Conversations” – WATCH
2. A Call to Action: A companion guide to the Steward Declaration
By Andrea Capuyan, Ben Porter, Howard Rich, Brian Simmons, and Scott Rodin (Kingdom Life Publishing, January 3, 2023)
Book Overview
Hear Dr. Scott Rodin on The Third Turn Podcast discussing “Maestro-level Leaders as Steward Leaders” – LISTEN
3. Leadership Not by the Book: 12 unconventional principles to drive incredible results
By David Green with Bill High (Baker Books, October 18, 2022)
Book Overview
Hear David Green and Bill High on the Mere Christians podcast with Jordan Raynor – LISTEN.
4. Leadership as an Identity: The four traits of those who wield lasting influence
By Crawford W. Loritts (Moody Publishers, February 1, 2023)
Book Overview
Hear Dr. Crawford Loritts host “Living a Legacy” – LISTEN
5. Trust: Knowing when to give it, when to withhold it, how to earn it, and how to fix it when it gets broken
By Dr. Henry Cloud (Worthy Books, March 28, 2023)
Book Overview
6. Turning Donors into Partners: Principles for fundraising you’ll enjoy
By Brad Layland (IVP, January 24, 2023)
Book Overview
7. The CEO and the Board: The art of nonprofit governance as a competitive advantage
By Dr. Kurt Senske (Concordia Publishing House, April 13, 2023)
Book Overview
8. The Resilience Factor: A step-by-step guide to catalyze an unbreakable team
By Ryan T. Hartwig, Leonce B. Crump, Jr., and Warren Bird (IVP, June 20, 2023)
Book Overview
9. The Joy Bringer Challenge: Living the power of the Good News
By Season Bowers (Morgan James Faith, August 22, 2023)
Book Overview
10. Not a Hopeless Case: 6 vital questions from young adults for a church in crisis
By Dr. Halee Gray Scott (Zondervan, April 25, 2023)
Book Overview
11. The Wolf in their Pockets: 12 ways the social Internet threatens the people you lead
By Chris Martin (Moody Publishers, March 7, 2023)
Book Overview
12. Timothy Keller: His spiritual and intellectual formation
By Collin Hansen, (Zondervan, Feb. 7, 2023)
Book Overview
13. Dangers Men Face: Overcoming the greatest threats to living life well (25th Anniversary Edition)
By Dr. Jerry White (NavPress, April 4, 2023)
Book Overview
There you have it! Our list of Spring reads will inform, challenge, and inspire you to grow as a leader! i
Of course, we hope you also enjoyed the podcasts featured along the way.