The Romans Road of Leadership By Dr. Kayon Cameron

The Romans Road to Leading Well
As a believer in Christ Jesus, you may not know the Romans Road to leading well. It is vital for any Christ-follower who holds a position of influence to lead their team well. One of the crucial things for a leader is to make decisions based on information provided to them to give helpful directions for their group and organization. This article will focus on three basic things to remember as a believer in Christ to lead any team through effective decision-making.
Set Your Mind
The world seems to be getting more hostile by the minute. The news, government, and social media constantly redefine the lines between right and wrong. Regardless of the world’s dictation of ethics, God’s standards of righteousness will not change. It is essential to set your mind on God according to Romans 8:6 “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace” (NIV). As you make decisions, invite the Holy Spirit to be your basis for decisions. As a child of God, we are to be led by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:14), not the spirit of fear (Romans 8:15) or any other spirit running rampant in the world.
Remember Your Identity
Focusing your identity on God may seem obvious as a Christian. However, many Christians have subconsciously renounced their identity in God by making small compromising decisions to please their board members, donors, supervisors, or anyone else they answer to in the position. They have built idols that are above God in their heart. They are more concerned about their appearance, people pleasing, or losing their job than staying true to their identity in God. We are heirs with Christ (Romans 8:16-17) and need to remember that our decisions are based on our identity and when it is rooted in God, and it does not matter what the world dictates because we must answer to God for every decision we make.
Stand on God’s Instructions
Finally, the most important thing is to stand firm on God’s instructions for every decision.
As God directs us to make decisions, it is essential to follow his instructions. I know, but it is easier said than done depending on the outer spheres of influence that could cloud the mind on executing those instructions. Even more so if there is severe opposition against God’s instructions, know that God has “predestined you and those he called, he justified and also glorified” (Romans 8:30). Although the path may be difficult, it is essential to remember that God’s way is better than man’s. He will prepare the way even though there may be some opposition.
Effective decision-making for a Christian is based on God’s influence in the decision-making process. The world wants to influence decision-making and lead you away from God into chaos. The fantastic thing is that God has provided his word to help remind us that we must stay rooted in him and not entertain the world’s standards to make effective decisions to lead well.
Dr. Kayon Cameron is an author and consultant to profit and nonprofit organizations. Her background expanse to project management, strategic leadership, and hospitality. Her passion is fostering leadership development and empowering others to achieve their goals while living for Christ.

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