A Year-End Review of Everything By Dr. Brian S. Simmons
Everything You Do Is Worthy of Review!
The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to Him!
Psalm 24:1.
God is the Creator. Since He created everything and everyone, He alone retains ownership rights for all He has made! It is His prerogative, alone, how much or how little He chooses to entrust to the care of His stewards. He lives in the realm of rights. As His stewards, we live in the realm of responsibilities. As His stewards, we must faithfully use all He has graciously entrusted to our care to fulfill His purposes. This brings meaning and purpose to our lives. Of all that the Master has entrusted to our care, relationships are the most precious!
Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil.
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
So, how are you doing? Now is the time for a simple self-evaluation.
- What has God entrusted to your care?
- What has He put you in charge of?
- How will you ensure that God will grant you success in everything you do?
- Think of your stewardship roles and vocational realms, and write them out.
Watch this video to learn more about how to work through these processes!
Once you have listed your stewardship roles (ie, vocational realms), on a scale of 1-10 (with ten being the highest and one the lowest), rate your effectiveness in each of your roles this year.
Stewardship Roles | Rating (1-10) | Comments | Commitments |
Husband | |||
Father | |||
Grandfather | |||
Friend | |||
Workplace Leader | |||
Radius Elder | |||
Mentor | |||
Neighborhood Leader | |||
Small Group Leader | |||
Christ follower |
Take some time to get alone and think through this assessment. As you assess each of your stewardship roles, ask yourself, “Am I happy with this score?” If so, great! If not, don’t despair because 2024 offers a new opportunity for improvement!
Once you have rated your effectiveness in your vocational realms, add comments about what went well and what didn’t in the past year. Finally, we conclude with commitments for 2024. For example, for an area with a high score, your commitment could be “keep going!” For a low score, what will you do differently in 2024?
It is sobering to realize that one day, we will all give an account of how we have lived our lives to our Creator, God. The best advice I have to offer is that it is a good idea to think about what you will say on judgment day before that day occurs!
If you need to improve in certain areas, there is still time because you are still kicking. Almost everything can be changed!
Dr. Brian S. Simmons is the Vice President of CIU Global and a Professor at Columbia International University. He exists as a visionary builder to further the kingdom of God through Christian education, teaching, and influencing others.
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Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.
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