Celebrating the Cross at Christmas

Keeping the Path Clear to the Cross at Christmas
A group of volunteer youth leaders with the Apostolic Church came from North America to volunteer at The Lights of Christmas. While many had grown up coming to Warm Beach Camp every summer (and still do) for family camp, none had ever been to The Lights of Christmas.
Following their first night of volunteering, there was time to take in the event for themselves. When asked what stood out about The Lights of Christmas, they responded with beauty and creativity throughout the One Million+ display of lights and design.
One thing stood above everything else for them: The Nativity scene. It is the center of the entire experience. It shares the source of our hope and faith in Jesus Christ.
The prophet Isaiah writes about God in chapter 40. He is coming. There is no equal. Get ready and clear the way for Him!
Luke records the story of the birth of John the Baptist. John’s father, Zachariah, speaks about his son coming to prepare the way of the Lord!
This is what we are doing today through The Lights of Christmas.
With creativity, artistry, and beauty, we are clearing and preparing the way for the one who has come, Jesus Christ, God’s Son, to be seen and known. The Nativity rises above everything else to declare the one who came to save His people from their sin!
This reflection is written after a sold-out night filled with cars, people, rain, and mud. Everyone did an amazing job persevering and serving up love and joy. Through it all, one thing was clear above everything else—the Nativity. Christ has come. Everything about His miraculous birth is true. His sacrifice on the Cross is true. His resurrection from the dead is true.
The gifts of forgiveness of sin and the offer of a new life are true and available for anyone willing to believe and receive Jesus into their lives.
Today, The Lights of Christmas celebrates keeping the path clear to the Cross by lifting up the coming of Jesus in this beautiful celebration.
Dear Father God,
Thank You for the coming of Your Son, Jesus.
Thank You for the privilege of clearing the way and sharing the story of His coming through The Lights of Christmas.
Thank You to the many people who join daily to keep the path clear to the Cross of Jesus by sharing the Christmas story.
John the Baptist’s father says it so beautifully,
“Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.”
Luke 1:78,79 – NLT
We pray every person comes to experience the truth of this in their own life.
We pray this in the name of the one who has come, Jesus Christ,
Ed McDowell is the CEO of Warm Beach Camp. He has extensive experience overseeing and directing ministry organizations, including stewardship development, personnel, and organizational management.