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Purpose-Driven Impact By Brittané Dodwell

Inspiring Purpose-Driving Teams

There is power when teams are inspired by achieving a purposed-driven impact. It takes intentionality and a focused team to unleash it.

The fundraising world is fast-paced and ever-evolving as means and methods for donor communications and engagements change. So it’s easy to get lost in the laundry list of deliverables, strategies, and reports—the “whats” and the “hows”—that fill our calendars.

The inner workings of what we do as fundraisers are important, yes. But over the years, I’ve never seen anything light up a team like truly knowing why we do what we do.

Fundraising is a privilege because every dollar raised changes a life. That’s our mission, our why, our purpose. And it’s awe-inspiring to see teams of uniquely gifted professionals and subject matter experts align their skills to achieve a singular mission.

That’s purpose-driven impact. As leaders, we must keep our shared “why” at the forefront of every “what” we ask our teams.

Purpose is the force that binds our teams together, transforming mundane tasks into meaningful contributions. When everyone is aligned in the same way, a collective passion emerges, turning each project into a journey of discovery and learning for greater results. Our work is no longer just about hitting targets; it’s about creating a lasting impact in our world.

But aligning teams takes work, and it’s not for the faint of heart! Ben Franklin once said,

Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I remember. Involve me, and I learn.”

This quote is one of many posted above my desk as a reminder that greater output requires greater investment, and building teams centered on a shared why should be a daily habit. I’ve seen the magic unfold when individuals become more than teammates, champions for a singular cause. These purpose-driven teams are resilient, navigating challenges with unwavering determination because they understand the profound impact of their individual and collective efforts.

So today, let’s commit to building teams of highly skilled professionals and fostering a culture where our “why” stands out as the flame that fuels our collective passion. Embrace intentional team involvement, where every member actively pursues a greater purpose. And together, let’s learn, grow, and create a legacy of fundraising impact that goes far beyond the boundaries of campaigns and initiatives as we make our world a better place.


Brittané Dodwell is the Associate Creative Director for Douglas Shaw and Associates, where their purpose-driven team partner to bring clients outstanding results for a more significant impact!

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