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God is Already Up in My Business By Dr. Rob McKenna

Finding Faith in God in Our Work

So many leaders I work with feel dissatisfied with their faith, especially regarding how their faith in God is enacted in their work. They aren’t dissatisfied with God but with their ability to bring their beliefs’ full impact to their work and leadership. They feel it is their job to bring God into their business, and that burden is often expressed as a deep shame. 

Here’s the good news! God is already up in our business, and He always has been. The Holy Spirit doesn’t show up in our company because we somehow wake up to realize that our faith matters in our work. It didn’t take reading an article from someone in the faith and work movement for God to be there. He already is and was. 

Why does this matter? It matters because I often get it backward, and I’ve worked with enough leaders to know I’m not the only one. We believe that God shows up because of something we did or starts to move because of something revealed. It doesn’t work that way. My faith isn’t alive because I believe it is, but because the Lord moves in every moment. He moves when we write checks to our contractors or reimbursements to our employees. He was there when we had that strategy meeting last week. He was already working when we had to have that complicated conversation with a trusted team member. He was there when we stressed our margins, cash flows, and that product launch.

The question isn’t whether or not He is there but whether or not we are paying attention.

We must get ourselves out of the driver’s seat of our faith and realize that the Lord doesn’t take a back seat or even ride shotgun. He is just waiting for us to see that He is already in the driver’s seat. Our job is to see what He is doing, not make assumptions about what He is seeing based on our hopes.

We don’t believe God is in existence. We awaken to what He is already doing. His presence is not a result of our actions but the cause of them. It’s a subtle shift in our mindset that could have profound implications. It’s a shift from trying to catch the wind with our hands when all we need to do is open our sails. The Holy Spirit is the wind in our sails, guiding and propelling us forward, whether we recognize it or not. Our awareness of this truth can transform our daily lives, infusing our routine tasks with a sense of sacredness.

The hustle and intensity of our work, the endless to-do lists, and the pressing deadlines can all blur our awareness of God’s providence and presence. But imagine if every action, decision, and moment was seen through the lens of God already being there. How would it change the way we handle a crisis at work? How would it affect our interactions with our colleagues? What if, instead of feeling overwhelmed, we could see each challenge as an opportunity to witness God’s presence and power in action?

It changes everything. It shifts our focus from what we do for God to what God already does in and through us. It’s about being still and knowing He is God, even during a chaotic day at work or home. It’s about trusting He is in control, even when everything seems out of control. It’s about recognizing that our success depends not solely on our efforts but His grace.

So, how do we cultivate this awareness? How do we train our minds and hearts to see God’s hand in everything? It’s a practice, a discipline; like any discipline, it requires intentionality and consistency. Here are three practices I’m working on in my daily life:

See the Lord in the Silence

In our noisy world, silence is a rare commodity. Yet, it is in the silence that we often hear God’s whisper. Take time each day to be still, silence the noise of your thoughts and environment, and listen. In the silence, ask God to reveal Himself to you. You might be surprised by what you hear. Silence is not just the absence of noise but the presence of awareness. In the quiet moments, we can attune our hearts to the subtle movements of the Holy Spirit. Practically, I have a meeting set for 6:30 am every day, titled “Jesus and Rob – although we are together all day.” It reminds me to set aside concentrated space, even though God’s presence continues beyond my time block.

Be a Part of What He is Already Doing

Instead of asking God to bless our plans, let’s ask Him to show us what He is already blessing. It’s a shift from asking God to be a part of our story to asking how we can be a part of His. This requires humility and openness – a willingness to let go of our agenda and embrace His. It’s about aligning our actions with His will and being co-laborers with Christ. When we join in with what God is already doing, our efforts are magnified, and our work becomes a part of His greater purpose.

Think Bigger

I mentioned that God was already in the driver’s seat, but when we step back from the car, we realize He’s not just driving; He is present at every turn and in every straightaway on the road ahead. He’s already working thereā€”fixing the roads, helping someone out, sitting with a stranded person, or helping them build a new road based on His grand design. Thinking bigger means recognizing that God’s plans are far greater than ours. It’s about trusting He is working all things for good, even when we can’t see the bigger picture. It’s about having faith that He sees it all. 

Practicing these disciplines can cultivate a deeper awareness of God’s presence in our lives and work. Our faith is not confined to Sunday mornings or personal devotions but permeates every aspect of our lives. We can start to live with the assurance that God is not only with us but actively working in and through us. In this realization, we find a profound sense of peace and purpose, knowing that we are part of an eternal story unfolding in every moment.


Dr. Rob McKenna is the CEO and Founder of WiLD Leaders, Inc., Named one of the top 30 I-O Psychologists alive today. Dr. McKenna is passionate about developing whole leaders, increasing performance and well-being, and creating whole and sustaining trust.

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