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Faith and Work By Dr. Gary Hoag

What is God’s design for the intersection of faith and work? The intersection of faith and work is a hot topic. Rightly so! Work takes up the largest sum of the waking hours of every steward. To borrow the language of Christian philosopher, Francis Schaeffer, we must ask and answer the question: “How should we…

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Do You Need Board Committees? By Michael E. Batts

Five Key Considerations for Establishing Board Committees Every organization is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all set of principles for determining whether an organization should have board committees. There are, however, common considerations in making such a determination. These considerations include: (1) Whether the board can devote sufficient time in board meetings to exercise appropriate…

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The Greatest Challenge By R. Scott Rodin

A Leader’s Greatest Challenge It may seem presumptuous to propose that there is one challenge to leadership that is so universally experienced that it is consistently at the top of the list of reasons leaders struggle and fail. But a recent experience has moved me deeply and convinced me that there may be just such…

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Filling the Gaps By Alex McElroy

Filling In The Gaps: Leaders Become Strong By Addressing Their Weaknesses A group of suppliers was given a tour of a mental hospital. One of the visitors in the group made some very insensitive and insulting remarks about the patients. After the tour was completed, the visitors were introduced and met with various members of…

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Listening Leaders By Heather McCulloch

  Are you a Listening Leader? There is power in listening, as referenced in the well-known story in the Bible of Jeroboam and Rehoboam in the book of I Kings.   This is a perfect example of a leadership struggle and the importance of being a listening leader. Jeroboam was a wise leader at the beginning…

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At the Core By Howard Rich

Steward leader development is at the core of it all. At the core of a steward leader is the knowledge that everything in his care is owned by God, and merely on loan for a short time. This recognition of true ownership compels the steward to move himself out of the way and joyfully develop…

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It’s Not Begging! By Bruce Dingman

It’s not begging. It’s time to change your perspective. For many, even pastors or presidents of Christian organizations, doing “the ask” is really tough if they think of it as begging. But that’s not the way God would have us view it. Even if one is shy, changing one’s perspective on the subject can make…

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Crisis of Character By Dr. R. Bruce Bickel

Overcoming a Crisis of Character We’re at a crisis in our culture. It’s not a crisis of security, although that’s of prime importance to our citizenry. And it’s not a crisis of terrorism, although that’s an issue of concern for our world. The crisis that concerns me most is one that’s far more dangerous because it’s so subtle. It’s…

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Urgent Update on Tax Reform By National Christian Foundation

Faith, love, and charity in the face of tax reform. With tax reform at the top of the agenda on Capitol Hill this season, many givers and ministries within the National Christian Foundation (NCF) community are wondering what’s in store for charitable giving under the new proposals for overhauling the tax code. We want to…

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The Story that Connects by Jamie Janosz and Pete Distler

Telling the Old, Old Story in a Digital World Today, you have an important story to tell. Yet, when confronted with media clutter and useless digital meandering on mobile devices, you may ask, “How can our story, God’s story, connect with those who need to hear it most?” While some fundraisers and marketers are tasked…

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