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The Steward's Gift By Mark L. Vincent

It is the steward’s gift to give to others after us. By Mark L. Vincent ~ To be a steward is to know in our bones that what we are responsible for was given to us with intent, and that this gift will be given to others after us. We live in a world where…

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Leadership Principles by Roy Peterson

The Leadership Principles that Set Me Free By Roy Peterson ~ I began learning leadership principles at an early age. When I was 19 years old, I was thrust into a nightmare when I was arrested and thrown into a cold, dank and dirty jail cell in Mexico with nothing but the clothes on my…

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Start with Amen – A New Release By Beth Guckenberger

  For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory. – 2 Corinthians 1:20, ESV This month Beth Guckenberger, the co-founder of Back2Back Ministries, released her latest book, Start with Amen: How I Learned to Surrender…

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Letters to Seven Churches by Dr. Gary Hoag

Letters to Seven Churches about Money By Dr. Gary Hoag ~ In Revelation 2-3 we find “the letters to the seven churches.” Some call them “love letters” as they come from Christ to His bride, the church, in the cities of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. This article highlights seven more New…

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God is Moving By Curtis Hail

God Is Moving In Our World By Curtis Hail~ God is moving and attaining authentic biblical momentum in spiritual work requires riding in the slipstream of God’s initiative and action in the world. At e3 Partners, we feel blessed to have found that space for this season in time. It is by the grace of…

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Engage Your Major Donors By Andrew Olsen

13 Ways to Engage Your Major Donors! By Andrew Olsen, CFRE Now is the time to engage with your major donors in the most meaningful ways possible. To help you get started, here are 13 ways to engage and deepen your relationships with them for future fundraising success. (1) Invite donors to participate in your…

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Faithfulness by Mark L. Vincent

Faithfulness is one of the foundations for an effective resource raising program. By Mark L. Vincent Faithfulness is foundational. I’ve often summarized the faithful life of the steward as Generous God, Generous Life. On more than one occasion, when speaking on the subject, I’ve created a picture of how this is lived by kneeling with…

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Authenticity Matters By Holly Moore

Authenticity is Built on Trust By Holly Moore ~ The leaders who impacted me the most, early in my career, led with authenticity. I was open to their influence because the relationship was built on trust and open communication. Now, I am trying to emulate their example and continue to grow in my ability to…

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Live a Life Worthy By Steve Douglass

Live a life worthy of the calling you received – Ephesians 4:1 By Steve Douglass ~ Love God and what he says. Abide in Jesus and follow him. Appropriate the power of the Holy Spirit to do these things. Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love God “with all our heart and with all…

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Clarity in Ministry by Lee Ellis

Clarity in Ministry Leadership By Lee Ellis ~ A Fight for Clarity Have you ever had to fight for clarity in a meeting, conversation or even your ministry? Early on in my military training at Air University, our professors who taught speaking and writing courses told us repeatedly to “fight for clarity.” When lives are…

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