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The Speed of Darkness – A Christmas Blog By R. Scott Rodin

A Christmas blog about darkness? Really? Let me explain: Jesus was born in the physical darkness of a stable. He came into a social darkness of poverty, oppression, and fear. He entered a politically dark culture under cruel Roman rule. His first cries rang out in a spiritual darkness where the spirit of the law…

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 Celebrating the Cross at Christmas

Keeping the Path Clear to the Cross at Christmas A group of volunteer youth leaders with the Apostolic Church came from North America to volunteer at The Lights of Christmas. While many had grown up coming to Warm Beach Camp every summer (and still do) for family camp, none had ever been to The Lights of Christmas.…

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Stewarding Our Pealing Appeal By Jon Lewis

The Message Amind Divergent Messages Recently, I watched two movies. The first was I Heard the Bells, the story of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and what led him to write that famous poem after the tragic death of his wife and, subsequently, his son’s Civil War injury. The second movie was The Polar Express, a fanciful,…

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Narrow and Wide Gates By Paul Swamidass

A Christian’s Formidable Task of Facing Narrow and Wide Gates  Jesus wants us to enter through the narrow gate and warns us that the wide gate leads to destruction. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small…

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The Coming of Christmas By Ed McDowell

Are you ready for the coming of Christmas? Receive these words with the coming of Christmas.  Hold them in your heart. Speak these words to others. “Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow…

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Your Church Building Project by Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Biblical Advice for Your Church Building Project Want biblical advice for your next church building project that works around the world? Read this post or share it with anyone you know looking to launch a church building project. I aim to show how common practices that may work don’t align with our Christian faith and…

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The Fundraising Board By Ron Haas

Seven Board Fundraising Responsibilities Many board members are not aware of the full extent of their fundraising responsibilities. Approving the budget is a fiscal decision and a fundraising decision! Ultimately, the board is accountable for achieving the funding goals. A Job Description What would you include if you could write the perfect fundraising job description…

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Scapegoating By Mark L. Vincent

Watch When Succession, Continuity, and Scapegoating Collide Succession and continuity planning involve pervasive and adaptive change and can also be a time when scapegoating surfaces.  A natural part of managing change at this level of complexity is anxiety. Anxiety launches people into pointing at others as the cause of their feelings. They point at individuals…

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Reversible Decisions By Alec Hill

One-Way vs. Two-Way Door Decisions When the chair of my church’s board asked: “Is this a one-way or a two-way door decision?” my ears perked up. Asking him to explain the concept, he replied that his employer – Amazon – always uses this language. He defined the terms as follows: Why is this distinction important?…

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Unlock the Power of Your Team By Pamela Westbrooks

It’s Time to Strengthen and Empower Your Team While the word team does not appear in the Bible, the Word of God contains much information about working together! We see a team created when someone accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior. Stronger Together In 1st Corinthians 12:17-28, Paul uses a brilliant illustration about the…

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