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Check Your Pulse Through Solitude

By Dr. John R. Frank, OK, it almost the end of the Holiday Season, end of the calendar year, maybe the end of your fiscal year, and somewhat the end of activities for your family. Before you get ready to jump into the new year, new goals, new calendars, new challenges, and new stress, I…

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What You Should Know About the Changing Digital Landscape

By Gordon Marcy and Tami Heim With all the noise in today’s world, it is critical that ministry leaders know how to focus their time and attention before God. Those called to lead in such a time as this must discern how to embrace what God is making possible for leadership development and his service.…

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Lessons for Leaders: Commitment

By Wayne Pederson In a speaking engagement I was talking about building relationships: in marriage, in friendships, in work, in ministry.  Really, all good relationships are built on a PLEDGE: P: Prioritize the relationship.  Give the other person top priority at the moment L: Listen and learn. Listen more than you talk. E: Engage. Put…

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The Slippery Slope: Acting Like An Owner

By Kent R. Wilson, PhD When it comes to any nonprofit organization or NGO, the board stands in the position of Chief Steward of the organization and the Executive Director (ED) as Under-Steward, having been given the fiduciary position of trust by God, the community at large, and the stakeholders. And yet with the emphasis…

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Woman Interrupted – A Leader's Story

By Patti Garibay In 1993, my life’s course changed, and I became a “woman interrupted.” God interrupted my life and called me to found a new organization for girls — the American Heritage Girls (AHG) — as a response to the major changes in direction of the Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA). His voice was clear…

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Fundraising Philosophies And Board Ownership

By Kim Stezala I had a recent opportunity to lead a discussion with scholarship providers about board ownership of fundraising.  I presented three core fundraising philosophies:  sales, strategic, or stewardship-based, with various degrees of staff-driven or board-driven efforts. Depending on which philosophy the board ascribes to, the culture around fundraising, or more broadly about fund development,…

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A Force Most Non-profit Leaders Can No Longer Ignore

The Millennials by Atul Tandon Most Millennials may not have a lifetime of earnings to start a foundation or simply give away. But many of them engage with non-profits, and likely will have the potential to be loyal donors in years ahead. Last year, TIME magazine called Millennials the “Me, Me, Me” generation, but numbers…

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Your Leadership Gift

Your leadership gift to the world is multiplied when you give freely what has been given to you. With Christian Leadership Alliance’s new mentoring network you can profoundly impact the life and trajectory of another Christian leader. CLA’s mission is to equip and unite leaders who will transform the world for Christ. This new learning…

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The Mentoring Impact on Ministry

By Dr. Liz Selzer Mentoring is a powerful tool for developing your staff and, ultimately, your ministry. This is especially true when jobs are tight and people are being asked to take on more tasks and step into more roles. The organizations I have worked with on mentoring have seen dramatic improvements in their workforce,…

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How to Sabotage Mentoring by Being a "Good Role Model"

 When I say I struggled to get up this week, struggled to open my Bible, I want her to say, “You know what, sometimes I do too.” I don’t want a perfect woman who always says, “Well, you should have done this.” I want someone completely transparent who can say, “I didn’t either—life is messed…

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