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Defining Steward Leadership

By  Kent R. Wilson Ph.D. In the past three decades there has been an increasing interest and reference to steward leadership. But for all of the articles, books and seminars that have been given on steward leadership, I find one fact that stands out: we have yet to agree on a core definition of steward…

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Rooted in Christ: The Secret of Lasting Fruit

By W. Scott Brown I love the verdant scene painted in Psalm 1:1-3. It portrays a vibrant, fruitful tree with leaves that don’t wither amidst heat or drought. The scene is especially poignant when one considers the arid desert-like landscape of Israel. Just imagine the wonder of seeing that flourishing fruit tree in the midst…

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24 Benefits of Mentoring Relationships

By Tami Heim This week, Christian Leadership Alliance announced the launch of The Outcomes Mentoring Network. As we witness the intensity of the events happening around the world, we recognize  these times call for Christian leaders equipped for kingdom excellence. We must prepare the next generation to lead and we believe that a mentoring relationship…

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A Story of Stewardship Optimization

 By Kent R. Wilson, PhD Jesus tells a story in Luke 13:6-9  that is as modern as it is ancient. It is a parable about an unfruitful fig tree that contains valuable information about resource management, making hard decisions, and steward leadership. An owner sees a fig tree in his orchard that has never produced…

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Who Is In Control?

“Unless we’re convinced the good Lord is in absolute control of everything, we’ll be controlled by anxiety and fear.”—George Foreman  God is our Refuge and Strength [mighty and impenetrable to temptation], a very present and well-proved help in trouble. ~ Psalm 46:1 AMP  We, especially those of us who live in the Western world, love…

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A Kingdom Path Perspective: Encouraging Major Gifts

By Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. Years ago I attended a training session on “securing major gifts” for the ministry I served. The seminar shared tips for getting large gifts, and the presenters testified that if I followed their advice, I would reach my funding goals. The instructors said things like “it’s all about relationships” and…

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Acceptable Gifts Versus Effective Gifts

By Jeff Anderson Did you know there are two kinds of financial gifts? Recently I presented to non-profit leaders in Colorado Springs about two kinds of gifts: (1) acceptable gifts – these are gifts that please God (2) effective gifts – these are gifts that get the job done (get food to the hungry, clothes to the naked,…

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Turning Disappointment into Opportunity

Things have ‘hatched’ badly here this spring. There are seasons when things go wrong; and they just have to be lived through; like the old inscription, ‘Good times and bad times; all times get over.’ —Beatrix Potter Pharaoh said to Joseph, I have dreamed a dream, and there is no one who can interpret it;…

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Does God Care About Our Money, Giving, and Asking?

By Wesley K. Willmer, Ph.D. I was recently reviewing a job description for a resource development position at a well know faith-based nonprofit and there was no mention of the spiritual dynamic in the role. It appears that this position could apply to any sales position, so I started to ask myself why. The reality…

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The Most Difficult of Seasons

By Cheryl Lee Davis Sometimes the challenges are put on us — a boss asks us to do something immoral, a colleague regularly escapes pain through excessive food or alcohol consumption, team members slip into affairs, or a trusted leader gossips. Sometimes, we bring on the difficulty. Insecurity rules our lives and keeps us from…

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