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Leadership: What Christian Women Need to Know

By Halee Gray Scott Ph.D. Christian women have been shamed into a corner. Many have bought the lie that they are the second sex—they do not matter and they are not gifted, at least not in the ways that matter most. They got the message that they need to limit their horizons, temper their ambitions.…

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An Interview with Francis Chan

CLA President, Tami Heim, recently interviewed Francis Chan, who will be a keynote speaker at the 2014 CLA National Conference in Dallas (April 14-16, 2014). Chan is the best-selling author of books including: Crazy Love, Forgotten God, and Erasing Hell, as well as the host of the BASIC.series (Who is God & We Are Church). He has also…

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A Steward’s Relationship With the Owner By Kent R. Wilson

Most definitions of stewardship include in one way or another the concept “to manage resources that belong to another.” But what most definitions miss is a critical aspect of a steward’s role: that stewards manage those resources in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the owner. Stewards are the representatives of the owner…

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3 Critical Components of Leadership Development By Ken R. Wilson

There is no absence of opportunities today for nonprofit leaders to find resources to help them in their leadership development. There are seminars, workshops, conferences to attend, books to read, mentors to meet with, and groups to join. But are some forms of leader development more effective than others? A national foundation wanted to find…

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The Journey to Becoming By Benn Lee

Ben Lee is principal at Olympia Elementary School in Danvers, IL, and leads the Christian Education Team at North Danvers Mennonite Church, where he previously served as the community-based youth minister. Below are his reflections from the Biblical Foundations of Leadership module via the Christian Leadership Alliance Online Academy. Participants reviewed Scott Rodin’s outline of…

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Ministries Don’t Need Money! By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Now that I have your attention allow me to explain my statement. The New Testament presents at least three things ministries (groups of Christ-followers working together on mission) need, and money is not one of them. 1.     Ministries need leaders who are free of the love of money and full of the love of God…

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Are You Listening? By Dr. Henry Cloud

“You won’t believe what happened today,” a leadership conference attendee said at the dinner gathering. “What?” I asked. “After your talk today about trust being built through connecting with another person’s reality, I had a breakthrough,” he said. “Really? What happened?” I asked. “Well, for the last year, I have been stuck in a logjam…

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The Power of Photos By Larry Johnston

I’ve got a confession to make. I love words. And language fascinates me. That won’t come as any surprise to those who know me. It was no doubt one of the reasons I was a foreign language major as an undergrad. But as someone who has been involved in fundraising for 40 years, I know…

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5 Ways to Grow Godly Givers & Giving By Brian Kluth

For a car to run well, all the pistons must be firing properly. For a church or ministry’s finances to run well, all the “generosity” pistons must be firing as the church moves forward down the road.  To develop a generosity culture, it is important to understand these five spiritual and practical pistons needed to…

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8 Tips to Help You Unleash the Power of Video By Mike and Kristin Suraw

What’s your video strategy? Video is everywhere. According to YouTube’s statistics, over 1 billion unique users visit YouTube monthly, and over 6 billion hours of video are watched on their site every month. And by the way, that is up 50 percent from last year. Last night, I visited Kickstarter’s site. On it, people get…

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