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A Daring Faith By Ken Harrison

A Daring Faith in A Cowardly World This week marks the release of Ken Harrison’s newest book, A Daring Faith in a Cowardly World: Living a Live without Waste, Regret or Anything Left Unfinished. Today we present a blog adaptation from the five-day reading plan that was designed so you can practically apply the key…

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The ABC of Retention in the Great Resignation By David Waters

Staff Retention is Possible When You Stick to the A-B-C  Plan By now, most people are aware of the phrase “The Great Resignation” and its impact on staff retention.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more Americans left their jobs during April, July, August, and September of 2021 than any other months prior. From…

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The Digital Divide, Evangelicals, and Media By Darrell Law

How Evangelicals Use Media Both Familiar and Surprising Infinity Concepts recently released a new research report: Media Matters: Evangelicals and the Media. This report is the result of a research study conducted by Infinity Concepts and Grey Matter Research which included more than 1000 American evangelical Protestants and explored what media forms evangelicals are using. Key…

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The Myth of God Driven-ness By R. Scott Rodin

So what is driving your driven-ness? Perhaps today, it’s time to assess your God driven-ness and how you approach what you believe you are called to do. What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun? All their days their work is grief and pain; even…

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Wonder By Alec Hill

We all need wonder in our lives. Wonder makes us gasp, causing us to say, “oh my.” It may be experienced while walking on a shoreline, watching a newborn enter the world, or listening to incredible music.   As ministry leaders, we sense wonder when our mission is fleshed out before our eyes. This may…

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Physical and Spiritual Fitness By Dr. Bob Snyder

Physical and Spiritual Fitness Strengthens You I enjoy the disciplines of fitness and physical exercise because it fits my “to-do list” mentality. Yet, when I apply this same mentality to my spiritual life I often fall short. For instance, reading through my Bible in a year does not necessarily produce growth. Yielding to the work…

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What Will Be Your Response? By Ed McDowell

The Response to the Call to Repent Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts of the Apostles 2:38 NLT Have you ever…

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GPS: God’s Protection System By Jay Cordova

GPS: God’s Protection System for YOU Like many, I find it difficult to drive without a GPS, but despite having this tool, I still find myself distracted by my surroundings, my four kids in backseat, or incoming calls (hands-free of course). While I have the roadmap provided for me, I still tend to lose track…

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The Development Team By Ron Frey

Time to Build Your Development Team! As one of my clients recently said, “Finding the right donor development person will take a miracle.” Finding good employees for any ministry job these days is challenging. From his vantage point, the combination of very high costs of living in his geographic area combined with the moderate salary…

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The Wisdom of Solomon By Zándra Bishop

The Wisdom of Solomon: Successful Business with a Lion Heart Effective business leaders take heed to the wisdom God gifted Solomon. The question is, “Are you building a workplace environment filled with wise leadership?” We should all strive to follow the valuable examples Solomon has provided for us to become productive stewards of God, from…

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