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A Winning Fundraiser During COVID-19 by Peter J. Mahler

Deliver a  Fundraiser that Stands Out during COVID-19 It can be challenging to help your fundraiser rise “above the noise” during the best of times. But while our nation’s economy is struggling during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, meeting your fundraising goals is even more difficult. So, how can you run an effective campaign? Before you…

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Year-End Giving in the Era of COVID-19 by Ray Gary

  Year-end Giving in a Different Global Landscape in 2020 The global landscape in 2020 looks wildly different than we imagined it would. Although it’s been a turbulent year, the shift to digital giving is creating new opportunities for nonprofits. By planning a year-end campaign that is engaging and easy to participate in, your organization…

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Focus on Faithfulness By Larry Gadbaugh

  What does faithfulness look like in this season? This question about faithfulness has become an essential in my pursuit of being a good steward of my calling.  Discerning the answer to this question helps me gain direction during the most challenging and uncertain periods of leading our organization. As the new CEO of First…

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The Right Compensation By Bruce Dingman

The Right Compensation for Hiring the Best Talent Having a well thought through compensation plan can make a tremendous difference in staff morale, how employees think leadership values them, if they are being treated fairly, and employee engagement.  Not only is compensation important in employee retention, it also has a big effect on attracting good…

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You’ve Got to Want It By Phyllis Hendry Halverson

How hard will you pursue what you really want?   “You’ve got to REALLY want it!” he shouted. “GET THE BALL!” I was pretty frustrated with this father, who had been shouting this same mantra to his daughter throughout the game. As these seventh-grade girls struggled, the intensity of his “encouragement” elevated. However, I understood…

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The Power of Hope By Howard Rich

Hope as a Believer Hope, as a central theme for the Christian, is peppered throughout  the New Testament; faith is “being sure of what we hope for” (Heb 11:1), “our hope” is in Christ (1 Tim 1:1), the believer’s devotion is to “the God of hope” (Rom 15:13), hope is “an anchor for the soul”…

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A Strong Spiritual Life By Braden Douglas

8 Qualities of a Strong Spiritual Life How do you tell the difference between right and wrong? The answer is your spiritual life, which encompasses everything you believe in and value. You don’t need to be a religious person in order to have an impact on the world, but you do need a strong moral…

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Reflecting Jesus By Phyllis Hendry Halverson

Reflecting Jesus in the Moment-to-Moment I don’t know about you, but my heart is racing to think about reflecting Jesus. And at this minute, I am running to the Father just as Jesus did. It’s the only way. We can’t do this on our own. Jesus modeled connection to the Father perfectly. Scripture shares how…

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Here and Now By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Lead from the Here and Now It can be a continual challenge for a leader to remain focused on the here and now. Projecting vision and evaluating future opportunities are critical skills for effective leadership. Yet, always looking ahead can be dangerous because we can uncouple from our current reality. A reckless pursuit of something…

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Let’s Rescue Christmas By Kenneth G. Hodder

Here’s how we’re saving Christmas from COVID! As COVID-19 began to dominate headlines early this year, I knew requests for help would grow exponentially higher. But I confess that I underestimated the unprecedented impact it would have on every single aspect of our mission. We exist to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to…

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