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Pandemics, Elections and Fundraising By Wiley Stinnett and Christa Huff

What You Need to Know About Pandemics, Elections and Your Fundraising Now that we are a few months into this global pandemic, what have we learned about its impact on fundraising and what’s on the horizon—especially with the upcoming elections? The Pandemic So far, we’ve learned that the impact of COVID-19 is a process, not…

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Are You Living in Freedom By Jim Stern

Are You Living in Freedom? Psalm 107 is one of many powerful psalms of deliverance and freedom. “Then they [the children of Israel] cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains. Let them give thanks…

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Stewarding What’s Broke By R. Scott Rodin

Stewarding What’s Broke in Times of Chaos There is an adage that says, “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” I would encourage leaders of Christian nonprofits to consider a different version of that saying, “If it’s broke, don’t fix it.” What do I mean by that? In working with a large number of nonprofits…

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Asleep in the Storm By Jim Stern

What will you be doing in the midst of the storm? Jesus had spent the day teaching by the sea of Galilee. Eventually, it came time for Jesus and His twelve closest disciples to travel by boat to the other side of the sea so He could teach elsewhere. The biblical account in Mark 4…

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Back to School for a Leader Like YOU!

Back To School: Outcomes Academy Fall 2020 For leaders who are learners, back to school still comes, but it often looks a little different! Christian Leadership Alliance presents the Outcomes Academy on line. This 10-week dynamic experience is broken down into five sessions. Attendees find in each session a Biblical inspiration, critical reading, interactive presentations,…

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Stewarding When It Is Difficult By Howard Rich

What does it look like to steward when it is difficult? The most difficult leadership experience of my life was shepherding my mother and sisters through the death of my dad.  Following my dad’s diagnosis with lung cancer, he was moved into our home where my family would care for him in his final days. …

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Work is God’s Gift to You By Tami Heim

Celebrate and Remember that Work is a Gift from God On this Labor Day, we share with you this profound message from Bill Hendricks, Executive Director for Christian Leadership, The Hendricks Center at Dallas Theological Seminary.  This session is from the Outcomes Conference Global Digital Conference that is currently happening now through September 30, 2020.…

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Biblical Insights on CEO Succession By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Biblical Insights on CEO Succession to Guide Christian Organizations Though the world of the Bible differed greatly from present times, we do find examples of succession that can inform CEO transitions today. For example, Numbers 27:15-23 offers three keen insights from the story of Moses and Joshua. And Moses said to the Lord, “May the…

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The Global Digital Experience Begins!

The Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience Begins Now! Today, Christian Leadership Alliance launches its first ever  Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience. We’re passionate about equipping leaders worldwide to step into this moment with God-honoring excellence. To do so we’re building on the Christian thought leadership we’ve provided here in the U.S. for nearly 45 years…

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