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Living on the Other Side of Anxious By Mark L. Vincent

Learning to Become Anxious for Nothing Being non anxious is a pretty handy gift during Pandemic Time! I’ve been teased as a person who never gets riled – and more than once given the nickname Yoda by people who don’t even know each other. I don’t think that never riled is accurate, because when anger…

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Can We Have The Conversation? By David Sanford

The Conversation We Need to Have – Together It’s time for us to have the conversation. It’s time for black and white to gather at the table, together.  Can we have a conversation just like Dietrich Bonhoeffer? Another Christian leader confided to me: “I almost feel powerless to do anything about racial justice…. What do…

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Be Still By Zenet Maramara

The Gift of Being Still Be still, cease from striving, rest, relax. Prior to the Corona virus pandemic, these were luxuries we hardly afforded ourselves. We had more work than the actual hours of the day. We were so caught up in the busyness of the life, work demands, expectations, as well as self-imposed pressures.…

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Valuing Generations in the Workplace By Vicki Harris

  Do you recognize and celebrate the differences in generations? It’s been such a great learning experience for me to have led five different generations in the workplace. There definitely are some differences between the generations. The mere fact that each generation was born in a different spiritual, political, and economic climate, each with its own challenges…

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Unprecedented By Ed McDowell

Leadership in  Unprecedented Times We are living and leading in a very unique time with unprecedented challenges. The Challenges (1) A pandemic with life and death implications.  In a few short months this pandemic has completely altered the way we live and function. It is changing the way we functionally lead and serve. (2) A…

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A Moses Approach to Rebellion By Paul Swamidass

Lessons from Moses on Dealing with Rebellion In Exodus 17:4 we find a perfect description of a rebellion against a leader, “They are almost ready to stone me.” These were the alarming words of Moses while approaching God for help, when the people of Israel turned rebellious. Although these words sound ominous, these alarming words…

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Leadership Compensation Survey for Christian Organizations

  Leadership Compensation Survey Time! Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) and EA Compensation Resources, LLC, an EisnerAmper Group Company (“Compensation Resources”) are pleased to invite you to participate in the 2020 Leadership Compensation Report for Christian Organizations.  The survey is designed to capture compensation and related data specifically for leadership and other key management positions within Christian organizations.…

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The Battle of a Steward Leader By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

The Battle Steward Leaders Encounter Steward leader. What do these words even mean? I am struggling. I am wrestling.  It’s a battle. Beyond trendy management models and pithy blog posts, God is challenging me. He is disrupting the bedrock of my soul. What does mean to BE a steward – at all the times and…

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Leadership in the Pandemic Age by Richard E. Simmons III

Leadership in the Time of a Pandemic Lately, I’ve been asked to provide advice to leaders on how they should be viewing their leadership approach in this pandemic time. Lessons From the Past When I was seven and eight years old (which would have been 1960 and 1961) I remember vividly the great fear people…

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Five Years of Patience By Mark L. Vincent

What does 5 years of patience require? The apostle James gives us an admonition folks seem to be fond of quoting during Pandemic Time: “Now listen to me, you that say, ’Today or tomorrow we will travel to a certain city, where we will stay a year and go into business and make a lot…

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