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Stewarding Your Heart By Jon Lewis

Guarding Your Heart – the Wellspring of Life Recently, during our breakfast devotional, my wife and I discussed the great admonition presented in Proverbs 4:23: Above, all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. At first, we reminded ourselves of the typical applications inspired by the following four verses that encourage…

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The (New) Best Practices for Fixed-Rate Investments By Jeremy Moore

Optimize the Return on Your Investments Like all nonprofit organizations, faith-based institutions strive to maximize their investment returns with little or no risk. When we discuss portfolio composition with our clients, fixed-rate investments, such as money market funds, certificates of deposit (CDs), or even bonds, are often the favored ways to make their cash reserves…

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Stewarding Life Transitions By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Understand Transitions and Learn How to Embrace Them Life transitions are inevitable, encompassing shifts in relationships, careers, health, living arrangements, and personal identity. Whether anticipated or sudden, like the loss of a loved one or unexpected illness, these transitions demand adjustment to new circumstances, roles, and responsibilities. Emotions such as excitement, anxiety, grief, and hope…

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Maureen Flavin – The Woman Who Saved D-Day By Alec Hill

Doing a Routine Job Well, Maureen Flavin Changed History I don’t often read obituaries, but the following caption caught my eye: “She (Maureen Flavin) helped save General Eisenhower’s invasion from potential disaster.” When Irishwoman Maureen Flavin passed away at the ripe old age of 100 last month, she was remembered for actions taken on her 21st birthday –…

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On Being a Loving Leader By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Becoming a Loving Leader is Our Greatest Challenge With Jesus’ command to love God and to love others, the focus of a leader’s attention and interest changes. The best leader is not simply a strategic thinker or visionary; they are a loving leader. They move toward others to see them for who they are. They…

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Springtime, You, and Outcomes Academy Online!

Transformational Learning is Happening at the Spring Outcomes Academy Online Spring is here, and it is time for you to enter a transformational learning experience. By enrolling in the Outcomes Academy Online Spring term, you will engage in a 10-week online cohort to educate, challenge, and expand your leadership capacity. If you are enrolled in…

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Outcomes Conference 24 Highlight: Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. Returns to the Outcomes Conference Mainstage! Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. has been preaching the Good News since becoming licensed as a minister in 1973 at the age of 15. From an early age, he developed a love of the Lord and felt called to share the gospel of Jesus…

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Trace the Face By Dr. Mark L. Vincent

Your Face and the Sculpting Journey in Emotional Intelligence What changed in photographs of your face across the decades? We aren’t talking about fashion or hairstyles here. And it isn’t so much the aging process, either! What in your interior spirit comes through from underneath your skin? WHAT I’VE SEEN IN ME In my youth…

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Modeling Generosity Unlocks Financial Resources By Chris McDaniel

Rethink Your Approach to Financial Resources A common challenge for Christian leaders is to secure financial resources for ministry. I certainly experienced this when I was tasked with raising them. Frequently, ministries are looking for a magic button to push to increase giving by asking why the board does not provide more; how about more…

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