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Change and the Workplace By Dr. Paul White

Understanding Change in the Workplace The biggest change to the workplace in the last decade has been the influx of millions of younger employees and the exodus of older generations. This shift has had a dynamic effect on the look, feel, and structure of workplace culture. Recent employee engagement surveys have found that employee satisfaction…

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Stewards of Well Done By Howard Rich

Well Done: Good and Faithful Stewardship Well done. If you are anything like me, when you think about entering Jesus’ presence in heaven I am sure you desire to hear what He said to the good stewards in the Parable of the Talents, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” Have you ever thought about…

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The Necessity of Thanks By Rich Haynie

Practice “Thanks” and “Commending” Others There is joy in giving thanks. In this calling of identifying God’s provision of resources for His Kingdom work, we workers accentuate the absolute necessity to “thank” our financial partners/supporters. However, too many of these generous stewards of God’s resources are not thanked even once, much less several times as might…

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The Importance of Financial Management By Vonna Laue

Financial Management Matters! For our programs and ministries to be successful, we need to realize financial management matters. It is nearly impossible to accomplish the mission of your organization without cash and that is why financial management matters. Sometimes we are so focused on the specific program activities and outcomes that we neglect the infrastructure…

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Stewards of Our Emotions By Howard Rich

Stewarding Our Emotions as a Leader In its essence, leading as a steward requires alignment with the will of the Father. Jesus demonstrated this through intense agony and overwhelming emotions in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46) the night before his crucifixion.  This passage of Scripture shines a bright light on the humanity of Jesus…

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The Gift of a Beautiful Thing By Ron Frey

  A $30,000 smile and the gift of other beautiful things. Sarah* loved to laugh, but she was self-conscious whenever she smiled. A daughter of a pastor, growing up her family didn’t have the money for braces and by the time she launched her career as a young adult, her crooked teeth had become a…

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Gratitude for Monthly Donors By Dr. Paul Virts

6 Ways to Let Your Monthly Donors Know You Value Them Do you ever notice it’s usually aggressive, “don’t-make-me-play-by-your-rules” children who usually get most of the attention in many families. While the compliant, rule-following children often recede into the background and get less attention. Parents often make concerted efforts to make sure the compliant children…

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The Joy of Giving Thanks

It’s a great joy to give and to give thanks!   We celebrate this season of giving and giving thanks. As leaders, it is important that we value others and express gratitude, often. Giving thanks is indeed a Biblical principle and current studies show that an attitude of gratitude fuels flourishing cultures. It is good to value…

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Developing Women for Leadership By Dr. Halee Gray Scott

The Intentional Development of Millennial Women for Leadership In the 21st century, we are inclined to think that there are no unknown territories, no frontiers left uncharted for women. Yet, when Christian nonprofit organizations seek to equip millennial women for leadership, they are embarking, like Lewis and Clark, on a journey into terra incognita. The…

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Renew Your Accountability By Lee Ellis

Will you renew the value of accountability in your leadership? Perhaps now is an appropriate time for you to renew the leadership value of accountability. Professional accountability is a good thing. Without it, excellence is merely a pipe dream and even average performance isn’t a realistic expectation. My Experience As a former POW in the…

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