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Ministry that Outlives You By Robby Gallaty

  How do you have a ministry that will outlive you? Today you will have the opportunity to watch a video from a past Outcomes Conference event. In it, Pastor Robby Gallaty shares how to have a ministry that will outlive your season of leadership.  There are many Christian leaders preparing to transition and make…

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Rest is a Weapon By Beth Guckenberger

  Rest is a Weapon: Saying Yes to Still I was asked by one of my pastors to teach one Sunday in a series called “What Jesus Invites Us to.” I readily agreed. Then they said my Sunday would cover “Jesus Invites Us into Rest,” and I laughed out loud. The Struggle to Rest I…

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Wisdom for Online Confrontation By Tami Heim

What’s wisdom look like in the online confrontation? Every generation experiences debate and confrontation when it comes to unpacking the intricacies of faith. The online stream sparks all sorts of controversies and the speed of it can easily spin out of control. And sometimes, it’s downright fierce. How do you, as a Christ-follower, listen carefully,…

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Transforming Wounds into Wisdom By David Sanford

Christian Leaders: Transforming Wounds into Wisdom Jolyn Davidson is a licensed psychotherapist in practice for over thirty years. Davidson has been a consultant for and trainer of leaders of non-profit ministries and for-profit organizations here and abroad. She is a consultant to practitioners of a variety of disciplines, contributing author to several psychotherapy books, and…

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Practical Creation Care by Jon Lewis

Stewards of God’s Creation As leaders, we are stewards of God’s creation. We all have a role to play in caring for what he has provided. Small Matters Have you ever been in a hotel where room service keeps replacing the little soap bars and shampoo tubes every day no matter if you’ve used up…

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Inspiration for Every Leader by Scott Wennermark

Seven Bible Verses Full Inspiration for Every Leader Every leader experiences highs and lows and needs inspiration. In the lowest of times, distress and depression can threaten to take over, and diminish the “highs” we’ve achieved. As leaders, it’s important to receive encouragement from the greatest leadership text of all time — The Bible. Here…

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Over-Communicating Your Vision By Dan Cooper

4 Phases of Over-Communicating Your Vision Have you ever thought, “How can they still not get the vision?” This is not that blog about the fact that you need a one (you do). This is not that blog about how to write one, or that it needs to be significant and compelling (it does). Let’s…

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A Life on Loan By R. Scott Rodin

Are you living like your life is on loan? As stewards, we understand that all of life is on loan, and we respond by living lightly in this world as caretakers of what is not ours. This results in a life of real freedom to which we respond with joyful obedience. The marks of the…

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5 Tips for Bringing Your Strategic Plan to Life by Tom Okarma

Does your strategic plan give life to your mission? Every nonprofit agency has a strategic plan, somewhere. Maybe in a file cabinet, on a credenza, on its website, but they have one. It’s there, you just have to search it out. The problem is, you’d never know it by the way so many just keep…

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Pray for People by Dr. Gary G. Hoag

You Unlock Kingdom Outcomes When You Pray for People At the inception of Christian mission, we find a very important insight from Jesus that relates to apostolic ministry in modern times and people. By apostolic, I simply mean work that seeks to take the gospel of Jesus Christ into new territory. He told them, “The…

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