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Hearing God in an Odd Convergence R. Scott Rodin

Convergence of Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday From the Heart of a Steward Today represents an interesting convergence of two days. I love Valentine’s Day. I mark the Day with gifts and words conveying my love for Linda each year. It is a warm and bright day amid a dark and dreary season. So, I…

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Communication Drives Thriving Cultures By Dr. Justin A. Irving

Communication is Essential! Communication is an essential part of leadership. Although you can be an effective communicator without being an effective leader, it doesn’t work the other way around. Influential leaders are, by necessity, effective communicators. The same can be said of effective and thriving organizations— such organizations do not exist without prioritizing meaningful communication.…

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Outcomes Conference 24 Highlight: Rev. Dr. Gabriel Salguero

Pastor Salguero Kicks Off the Outcomes Conference 2024 The Rev. Dr. Gabriel Salguero is the opening Mainstage keynote for the Outcomes Conference 2024. He is the lead pastor of The Gathering, a Latino-led multi-ethnic Assemblies of God congregation in Orlando, Florida. We are full of expectancy for his message and how God will use him to reveal…

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Bringing It All Together By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

Steward Leadership, Work, and Life Calling Come Together During seasons of rest from work, it is essential to reflect and bring what matters most all together. Even God rested from His work of creation! Human beings, created in God’s image, find meaning and purpose in work. And, like God, it is important to rest from…

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The Power of Preparation By Chris Jorgensen

The Power of Knowing Your One Thing In his book The One Thing, Gary Keller makes the case that leaders will have a much more significant impact if they focus on the answer to this question: “What’s the ONE Thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”…

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The Outcomes Conference 2024 Book of the Year!

Book of the Year: Healthy Leadership for Thriving Organizations Christian Leadership Alliance announces the Outcomes Conference 2024 Book of the Year, Healthy Leadership for Thriving Organizations: Creating Contexts Where People Flourish (Baker Academic, December 2023) by Dr. Justin A. Irving. Meet Dr. Justin A. Irving Dr Justin A. Irving serves as the Duke K. McCall…

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The Superiority of Generosity by Dr. Zenet Maramara

Seven Reasons Why Generosity Wins Over Materialism Scripture provides God’s perspective on generosity and greed. “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” ~ Luke 12:15 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. Those who want to…

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Jesus and His Team of Twelve By Donna Bostick

Learning to Build and Lead a Team Like Jesus Jesus was a master at recruiting, building, and leading a team. We can learn many lessons from his life, and leadership is undoubtedly among them. He made himself the ultimate example and set the pace so they could lean, listen, do, and follow. Here is a…

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Living Generously By Ed McDowell

The Heart of Living Generously Living generously as Christ’s follower comes from believing that God always has more to give to meet a need.   God is inviting us to let His abundance flow through our lives to meet the needs of others while making sure we have what we need along the way.   Our response…

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The Narrow Road By Dr. Bob Snyder

The Narrow Road Leads to Life Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13,14, NLT When I bite into an…

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