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The Most Difficult of Seasons

By Cheryl Lee Davis Sometimes the challenges are put on us — a boss asks us to do something immoral, a colleague regularly escapes pain through excessive food or alcohol consumption, team members slip into affairs, or a trusted leader gossips. Sometimes, we bring on the difficulty. Insecurity rules our lives and keeps us from…

Lessons for Leaders: Accessibility

By Wayne Pederson When I first started in management, I bumped into our CEO.  For point of contact, I asked if I could stop by his office for a quick visit. He hesitated, squirmed and finally said he was totally booked for the next three months. I was kind of impressed with how busy he…

A Steward Leader's Response to Bad News

By Dr. R. Scott Rodin I read a daily devotion by Charles Spurgeon and his entry for September 15th was deeply challenging. I have paraphrased it here specifically to address us as steward leaders, leaving his actual words in quotations. He shall not be afraid of evil tidings. ~Psalms 112:7  As steward leaders, we must not…

Will you choose and boldly walk through the door God has for you?

Choosing Boldness

“Words of doubt often get so loud that we fail to act. A horrible feeling builds in our stomach. Sometimes we can’t sleep. We fail to move forward. So we stay with what is safe and opportunities pass us by.”—Robert Kiyosaki At the command of the Lord the children of Israel would journey, and at…

Does Your Definition of Stewardship Determine Your Leadership Style?

By Dr. John R. Frank Here is an interesting question concerning the relationship between these two words.  The Steward Leader can be a title, a phrase, a label, and a movement. And yet I have not considered nor read much about the relationship between the two words. When I have discussed the steward leader concept with…

Six Steps Towards Healing for the Wounded Leader

By Gail Dudley As leaders, do you ever find yourself afraid, abused, broken, fearful or feeling hopeless and insignificant? Do you at times feel lonely or rejected? Have you been in a place where the enemy has whispered a lie into your spirit? Did you believe the lie as truth? Let’s get to the root…

Leading Boldly around the world and depending on God for the outcomes.

Leading Boldly and Depending on God

By Nancy Hathaway Back in the mid-90s, my husband Steve and I prayed that God would use us in some way. We had busy and satisfying careers, but were restless. We didn’t want to waste the rest of our lives. Looking back I can see God was changing our hearts. Over time it became clear…

When Stewards Fall: Restitution

By Howard Rich Every leader faces gray areas when it comes to personal and business use of the resources under their care.  As leaders, we often receive certain perks, and sometimes those perks can go to our head, drawing us to take what does not belong to us.  How do we handle frequent flyer miles gained…

The Only Applause That Matters

By Dr. R. Scott Rodin A bookmark of mine carries a thought that has stayed with me throughout my years in leadership. It reads, “It doesn’t matter if the world knows, or sees or understands, the only applause we are meant to seek is that of nail-scarred hands.”  Leaders are exposed to opportunities to generate applause. …

4 Ways to Measure Authenticity

By John C. Reynolds, Ph.D. King David of Israel was not perfect, but he was, I believe, authentic. We, in our roles as leaders today, are not perfect, but I know we each want to be authentic. The challenge of course is that not one of us can declare ourselves to be authentic; this is…


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Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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