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CLATV: Internet TV and Radio is Here!
Christian Leadership Alliance Announces: CLATV Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) is pleased to introduce its new multi-channel Internet TV & Radio eStation, CLATV. This new innovative learning experience has been designed to bring Christian leaders, like you, content that will educate, inform, and inspire your leadership journey. CLATV advances CLA’s mission to equip and unite leaders…

Vacancy: A Cross for Everyone
Who, but the God of all imagination, could take the cross, the most barbaric tool of execution, and turn it into a symbol of hope and faith, a signature of all that is good in the world? There is a wealth of understanding to be discovered in the cross. In the historical account of Jesus’…

The Power of Photos By Larry Johnston
I’ve got a confession to make. I love words. And language fascinates me. That won’t come as any surprise to those who know me. It was no doubt one of the reasons I was a foreign language major as an undergrad. But as someone who has been involved in fundraising for 40 years, I know…

Can Better Branding Cause Greater Ministry Impact? By Joan Begitschke
What’s Your Brand Represent? Every organization has a brand, whether it is intentionally managed or not. Your brand represents who you are, what you do, and why your ministry matters to the audiences you care about. Proper attention to your brand lifts all boats. But if left unattended, you have a gaping hole of daily…

Leading in the Glory-strength of God By Tami Heim
Be assured that from the first day, we heard of you; we haven’t stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works. We pray you’ll live well for the Master, making him proud of…

5 Rules of Engagement for Ministry Marketing By Shannon Litton
Mission-minded ministry leaders often overlook (or choose to set aside) the critical job of building a sustainable and effective brand. Ministries must not underestimate brand management’s vital role in engaging and sustaining relationships with those who make their work possible. Your audience today requires authenticity. The shiny, perfectly packaged messages of yesterday are no longer…

5 Stories Every Fundraiser Must Learn to Tell By Ron Frey
Every fundraiser knows that a compelling story told extremely well is what makes your cause real to people. Stories help us influence donors to express their love for God and others through generosity. Yet how do you tell the same story repeatedly without evoking a yawn from your donors? A child is fed and clothed.…

3 Keys for Building Engagement by Sherry Surratt
How do you get people to engage with your parachurch ministry, church, or business? Whether getting people in the pew or finding clients for your service, it is all about relationships. Here are a few relationship lessons we’ve learned at Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) International over nearly 40 years of ministry: 1. Get Them in…