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Ministry Bullies By Alec Hill

The Reality of Encountering Bullies in Ministry Recently, I drafted a list of bullies whom I’ve known over the years. Schoolyard ruffians were easy to recall. They were usually big, not-so-bright, and angry at the world. Workplace bullies came next. Generally more intelligent and subtle, they used psychological and emotional intimidation rather than fists. Webster…

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Confessions of a White Leader By Alec Hill

My Confession as a White Leader I’m a white boomer who has had the good fortune of leading two ethnically diverse teams. The first, as a regional director for World Relief, involved resettling 1,000 refugees a year. The second was as president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. During my 14 year tenure, staff of color increased…

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Life After A Transition By Alec Hill

  Rebuilding Our Work Life After Transition When Bob Lane left the presidency of John Deere, he described his transition as moving from a “core” job to a “portfolio” of jobs. He defined the former as his executive role and the latter as the variety of tasks awaiting him in the future. “I’m adjusting to…

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Ambition – A Dirty Word? By Alec Hill

The Truth About Ambition A confession: I was born ambitious. From my earliest memories, I always wanted to be more, to do more, and to win. This trait showed up in sports, pursuit of grades, running for class offices, and even where I ranked as a trumpet player. My drive had both positive and negative…

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Breaking Down Persistence By Alec Hill

The Power of Persistence We can learn much from those who harnessed the power of persistence. I am reminded of an unlikely hero named Ed Drake. In 1859, Ed was an unemployed 38-year-old drifter. But he had a big idea. He wondered whether it would be possible to drill for oil with the same technology…

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Vicarious Suffering By Alec Hill

Lessons in Vicarious Suffering ”I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church.” Writing from prison, the apostle Paul inked this statement and it has puzzled theologians for centuries.…

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The Contentment Cycle By Alec Hill and Leighton Ford

Where do you find yourself in the contentment cycle? Over the course of our two lives, contentment has often flowed easily – including leading fruitful ministries. But at other times, contentment has proven to be frustratingly elusive. Almost nigh impossible. In his letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul addressed this subject head-on. Rotting in…

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Stop Raising Up Leaders By Alec Hill and Justin Lawrence

Leaders who can’t manage aren’t really leaders at all! A cottage industry has sprung up around Christian leaders and leadership. Whether it’s conferences, books, videos, or degree programs, there is no shortage of places to listen to inspiring thought leaders. What’s Missing But as we assess churches and other non-profits, this charge-ahead leadership model is…

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What Happens When the Senior Leader is Hit by A Bus? By Alec Hill

Your Senior Leader is Hit by a Bus: How Ministries Can Survive Unexpected Leadership Transitions “What will we do if our senior leader gets hit by a bus?” is a question often asked by boards. In 2015, I had served as InterVarsity’s president for 14 years. Despite assorted bumps, the ministry was experiencing a fruitful…

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