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When the Blessing Breaks By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

What happens when the blessing breaks? What happens when the blessing breaks? Broken open. Exposed. The tearing of the crust. Soft and tender bread was revealed—the promise of all we need for nourishment and healing.  We come to the table like His followers long ago, remembering His sacrifice, partaking in His promise, and receiving His…

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A Community of Transformation By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Stewarding A Community of Transformation Healthy, thriving, and responsive are many of the latest buzzwords used to describe a positive organizational community or environment. These adjectives capture what is most true about organizations, churches, companies, and ministries. They are human – living, breathing – heart, mind, soul, flesh. They are us. Good leaders steward wisely…

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The Artistry of a Steward Leader By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

What does artistry have do to with steward leadership? As leaders, there is artistry we bring to stewarding others well. Stewarding requires precision, imagination, and dedication. Two-dimensional models or rigid formulas do not capture the flexibility and creativity needed by a good steward leader. We must be responsive to others and the process. We risk…

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Stewarding Power and Privilege By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Understanding the Stewardship of Power & Privilege Power and privilege in the life of a leader must be understood and scrutinized if we wish to steward goodness and beauty in our relationships, organizations, and society. As I reflect on current events, I am struck by how easily we are blind to the harm we perpetuate.…

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Let Wisdom Guide By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

The Wisdom that Will Guide You Wisdom is the the hallmark of a steward’s life. Being a steward leader is not a description of activities, rather it describes one’s character and one’s view of self, others, and God. It is the daily commitment to being molded and shaped, rather than creating new habits or organizational…

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The Movement of God in Leadership By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

A Reflection and Movement of God in Leadership A practice of regular reflection is essential for a good, healthy movement of leadership. Reflection can be an invitation to allow God to uncover our hidden demands. It is my intentional focus on the movement of God in my life. My practice of reflection helps me know…

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An Invitation to the Table By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Leadership: An Invitation to the Table A good friend recently shared this about leadership, it is being invited to have a seat at “the table.” I have heard this metaphor before, and I like it. It resonates because it captures the necessary and essential element of connection, fellowship, and comradery which happens when folks gather…

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God’s Provision for Leaders By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

  God’s Provision for Those Who Trust Him Sometimes our leadership practice looks like we are obeying the economics of supply and demand versus trusting God’s provision. We have budgets to meet, folks knocking at our office door, and there is always one more nagging email. Our time and attention become an exchange of ‘goods…

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The Meaning of Allegiance By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

A Steward’s Allegiance A steward leader’s activity must be rooted in their attention and allegiance to their owner. Our owner guides the direction of a steward’s service to others. The question of allegiance is central to the very definition of a steward because we must answer who owns us. The King and His Kingdom supersedes…

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Here and Now By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Lead from the Here and Now It can be a continual challenge for a leader to remain focused on the here and now. Projecting vision and evaluating future opportunities are critical skills for effective leadership. Yet, always looking ahead can be dangerous because we can uncouple from our current reality. A reckless pursuit of something…

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