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A Year-End Review of Everything By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

Everything You Do Is Worthy of Review! The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.  The world and all its people belong to Him!  Psalm 24:1. God is the Creator. Since He created everything and everyone, He alone retains ownership rights for all He has made! It is His prerogative, alone, how much or…

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How to Write Thank-You Notes to Donors By Lisa Smith

Heartfelt Thank-You Notes Return a Blessing As you steward the resources entrusted to your organization, one of the most important skills you can cultivate is writing thank-you notes to donors. Your Christian nonprofit team has the privilege and responsibility to be thankful. Scripture is clear that we are to be grateful to God. Likewise, numerous…

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Gracious and Attractive Conversation By Ed McDowell

Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone. Colossians 4:6 NLT Have you ever connected the principle that having the right response for others is tied to your gracious and attractive conversation? These words from the Apostle Paul come as part of the closing words in…

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Thanksgiving Is All in Your Head By R.Scott Rodin

Is Thanksgiving in your head, and should it be? The Oxford Dictionary defines thanksgiving as “the feeling of being happy or grateful because of something.”[1] I think the Oxford Dons got it wrong. What they’ve described is thanksfeeling. If they are right, then it will only take a brief viewing of local, national, and world news to convince you to leave…

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Announcing the CLA Leader2Leader Podcast

Leader2Leader Podcasts Are for a Leader Like You! Christian Leadership Alliance presents a new podcast series called Leader2Leader. In this Alliance experience, you will learn from the wisdom of nonprofit leaders who are faithful stewards of what God has called them to do. They will invest their best in you, speaking candidly, from one leader…

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Together Becoming One By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Organizational Unity by Together Becoming One As leaders, we understand that our dedication to a new endeavor requires attention to the uniting and blending of individuals – TOGETHER becoming ONE.  And when our life intersects and intertwines with others in a common goal or mission, we can experience the emergence of something new. We intentionally…

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When Is the Best Time to Invest? By Sarah Newman

When is the best time for a nonprofit to invest? In every portfolio construction presentation to nonprofit organizations, we anticipate this question: “What dollar amount is right to invest in our organization’s excess funds?” Some nonprofits want to start a foundation or endowment with a targeted dollar amount. Some organizations also look for an answer…

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Sustainability According to the Scriptures by Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Mindset for the Sustainability of Churches and Ministries What mindset should stewards have regarding the sustainability of operations? Churches and ministries need funding to address local needs, aid those in crisis, teach students, and deploy missionaries. The world says, “Resources are scarce. Supply is limited to man’s capacity. So, as a result, you must hoard…

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Wisdom for AI Fundraising By Mark Mangin & Jim Lungu

AI Fundraising: Benefits, Challenges, and Considerations There are many benefits of AI fundraising. But diving in requires careful planning, ethical considerations, ongoing evaluation—and above all, a focus on maintaining meaningful and authentic donor relationships. THE BENEFITS ENHANCED EFFICIENCY AI can help you simplify the workload by automating various tasks—like donor research, personalized donor communication, data…

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Therefore and More By Michael Kelley

Understanding the Significance of Therefore in Scripture The link between an indicative statement of fact and an imperative statement of response is “therefore.” You find it all over the Bible. How it works Indicatives are facts. They are realities. And in the Bible, they are firm and secure because the Bible is the unchanging Word…

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