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Weekend Words of Wisdom #8

Encourage the Heart Without encouragement and celebration, leaders would be missing the critical relationship with their followers. An encouraging word, a visit, or notes of support or recognition are all tools of a leader who desires a transformational relationship with his or her followers. Celebrations are important and an essential ingredient to organizational health. However,…

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3 Keys for Building Engagement by Sherry Surratt

How do you get people to engage with your parachurch ministry, church, or business? Whether getting people in the pew or finding clients for your service, it is all about relationships. Here are a few relationship lessons we’ve learned at Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) International over nearly 40 years of ministry: 1. Get Them in…

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Weekend Words of Wisdom #5

The Value of Self-awareness Leading people is complex, invigorating, and unusually humbling. For this reason, it is vital that a leader clearly understands his or her strengths, as well as areas for improvement. Here are five questions I have found especially helpful in my own developmental journey: Am I truly committed to lifelong learning? Do…

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Weekend Words of Wisdom #4

Great Responsibility Jesus told his disciples in a parable about managers and servants that “from everyone who had been given much, much will be demanded and the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” (Luke 12:48). Organizational culture requires attention. All the participants in the culture contribute, but organizations are…

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Part 2: The Path to Organizational Health By Al Lopus

As I discussed in Part I of The Path to Organizational Health, our research at Best Christian Workplaces Institute validates four steps in “The 4-D” cycle an organization can take to move towards organizational health. Those steps include: Discovery (appreciating and valuing) Dream (envisioning) Design (co-constructing the future) Destiny (learning and empowering to sustain the…

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Part 1: The Path to Organizational Health By Al Lopus

Our experience at Best Christian Workplaces Institute supports there are four steps in “The 4-D” cycle an organization can take to move towards organizational health. Those steps include : Discovery (appreciating and valuing) Dream (envisioning) Design (co-constructing the future) Destiny (learning and empowering to sustain the future) These four steps reflect an approach entitled “Appreciative…

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Weekend Words of Wisdom #3

Embracing the High Calling If you are a leader who is serious about making a difference in your role, I suggest you consider the why of the responsibility you have been privileged to engage in. As a believer, you are gifted with a task that is too noble to describe merely as a profession. You…

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Weekend Words of Wisdom #2

A Focused Leader The busier I get, the more focus I need to complete my priorities. With that focus comes the exclusion of other things – which may be fine unless one of the “other things’ is God. David is a real model for me in this. No doubt, he often was distracted by many…

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Weekend Words of Wisdom #1

The Inner Core Several years ago, I read an assessment of essential leadership characteristics. In this study of successful leaders, the addressed question focused on the one character trait common to all effective leaders. There were many traits the leaders held in common – discipline, vision, communication skills… One in particular caught my attention. What…

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