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Leadership Lessons from the Book of Romans By Ed Fry

Five Leadership Lessons from the Paul’s Letter to the Romans The Book of Romans offers timeless wisdom and valuable insights for leaders across various domains. While it is primarily a theological work, its principles extend beyond religion and provide a profound guide for leadership in the modern world. Romans sheds light on how Jesus shattered…

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The Danger of Control By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Don’t Let Control Get You in a Choke Hold At some point, the transformation of a steward leader includes facing one’s demand for control and micromanagement. The wrestle for control is the essential challenge. Embracing our identity as faithful stewards begins by acknowledging that we serve on another’s behalf. I’ve found that the desire for…

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Discover How to Sharpen Your Aim! By W. Scott Brown

Come and Experience AIM: Alliance Insights Modules Christian Leadership Alliance introduces NEW self-paced courses called AIM: Alliance Insights Modules. These dynamic digital modules will equip you and your team in critical areas of Christian nonprofit leadership, from donor development to caring for employees, to stewarding your soul as a leader, and so much more! This…

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Allegiance or Accountability? By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

The Choice Between Blind Allegiance or Brutal Accountability There is a tension between allegiance and accountability. All organizational leaders, at one time or another, face the dilemma of approaching a leader overtaken by a fault or challenging ideas that may not be the best.  We wrestle with the tension between disregarding wrong or unwise behavior…

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Work Hard and Represent God’s Truth By Ed McDowell

Have you ever made the connection between working hard and representing God’s truth?  The Apostle Paul does this with a young and upcoming leader. His name is Timothy. Let’s look at the second letter Paul writes to Timothy, specifically part of the second chapter. The readings are from the New Living Translation. Paul’s Letter to…

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The Sacred Call of Labor By Tami Heim

A Call to Labor for a Higher Purpose The US Department of Labor gives us context for why we celebrate Labor Day. This year marks the 129th Anniversary of this national holiday. It originated as a way for the country to celebrate the labor movement and the many achievements of workers in America. While many…

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Striving to Excel By Dr. Bob Snyder 

What Drives You to Excel? But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love, we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.   2 Corinthians 8:7, NIV  Striving to excel in all things is a noble goal. But when this…

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Culture Care: Possible or Impossible? By Jon Lewis

A Steward Leader’s Call for Culture Care The moment came toward the end of my seminar with fifty-five African men and women involved in ministry in Kinshasa, DRC. The subject was Creation Care, and I was delighted to see how the topic was inspiring new thoughts and convictions on the part of my participants. It…

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An Interview with Robby Angle: Embracing Your True Identity

Talking Leadership with Robby Angle Christian Leadership Alliance President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Robby Angle, President and CEO of Trueface. Meet Robby Trueface provides content, relational experiences, and leader development to help people and teams live authentically and experience freedom. Robby loves Trueface because he believes Trueface has created a unique and effective way of teaching complex biblical…

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Effective Leadership for Women of Faith By Marilyn L. Donnellan

Ten Keys to Effective Leadership for Women of Faith I have struggled most of my life with religious and culturally imposed challenges to my leadership.  While a Christian High School student and then at Bible College, I discovered my spiritual gifts were exhortation, administration, and leadership.  But those gifts seemed to oppose the teachings on…

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