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God Gives Rest By Ed McDowell

Are you ready to receive his rest? It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones. Psalms 127:2 NLT I write this near the beginning of a season of rest (sabbatical) granted to me…

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The Effective Fundraising Newsletter By Douglas K. Shaw

Your Fundraising Newsletter is Essential to Success Newsletters are essential to fundraising strategy. They offer an opportunity to close the loop with fundraising appeals by reporting back to donors on what their generosity has accomplished. But it can be easy to lose sight of the immense fundraising impact newsletters have when you start to see…

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Get Ready For Your Next Donor Meeting By Justin Streiff

5 things to know ahead of your next donor meeting! Going into a donor meeting unprepared is the surest way to secure a bad outcome. Here are some essential tips for preparing a donor meeting. Successful major gifts fundraising inevitably requires developing comfort with—or, really, a passion for—in-person meetings with your organization’s active and prospective…

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Audit Lessons from Ezra By Gary G. Hoag

A Biblical Perspective on Your Financial Audit Does your church or ministry engage an independent financial audit? Churches and ministries that do this best practice in the USA and abroad tend to build trust and raise more money. The possibility of greater giving motivates many to do this extra work. But I want to suggest…

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Knowing and Nurturing Next Generation Leaders By Zándra Bishop

What investment are you making now in the next generation? Do you know the next generation of leaders within your organization? This critical question allows you to proactively maintain strategic conversations that identify, develop, and empower the next generation of leaders with confidence. As this difficult but necessary transition occurs over time, it is the…

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Learn to Navigate Leading Small By Robby Angle and Dr. Bruce McNichol

Five Best Practices for Leading Small Jesus modeled a leadership that had an outsized focus on deeply investing and leading small bands, first the 12, with even greater investment in Peter, James, and John. Jesus lived out this counterintuitive principle by leading small to accomplish greater influence. The validity of this model has not changed.…

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The Path to Leadership Failure By R. Scott Rodin

Time to Assess if You Are on the Path to Failure Every day, we hear stories of leadership failure. Some are national in scope, some regional, some in our own communities. Whether it’s a moral failing, an ethical compromise, poor decision making or just pure burnout, it’s likely each of you reading this blog is…

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A Great Vision and Call to Pray By Diane Strack

A Great Vision Produces Remarkable Synergy The seed of a great vision can  take root in some of the most unexpected places. For me, it began with a firm grip across the table and a heavy ask – “Gather the women of America to pray, Diane, it is the only hope for our nation,” pleaded…

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Develop a Persuasive Case By Ron Haas

Learn the Process of Developing a Persuasive Case “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.” ~ I Cor. 2:4-8 Have you ever agonized over finding just the right persuasive…

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A Greater Good for Global Leaders

The Outcome Conference Global Digital Experience 2022: A Greater Good There is often a greater good that comes from some of the hardest of times. So it was for Christian Leadership Alliance in the spring of 2020. Poised to present our 2020 Outcomes Conference (prophetically themed:TRANSFORM), the country shut down and so did the possibility…

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