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Holy Week Perspective of Leadership By R. Scott Rodin

Three Moments for a Holy Week Reflection Amid this Holy Week, I invite you to listen to the words of Jesus in his High Priestly Prayer recorded in John 17. Before his final days leading to Calvary, Jesus prays to His Father on our behalf. Here are three reflections for us as leaders as we meditate on our Savior’s…

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Waiting Produces Leadership Growth By Marybeth Leavell

Learn How Waiting Produces Leadership Growth in You The concept of stewardship is rooted in various psychological and sociological theories. Within the Christian stewardship research stream, the steward leader may act as a representative of the owners, directors, or stakeholders, but ultimately serves God, the owner of all. The leader’s internal motivation to be a…

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Health Benefits and the Great Resignation By John Staub

The Best Protection Against the Great Resignation The Great Resignation is proof that employers and employees need better health benefits options. We shouldn’t have been surprised since the research has shown it coming for years. We were warned that more than half of our employees would leave or stay, but actually seeing millions of members…

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A Season of Passing the Baton By Dr. Zenet MaraMara

Everything is for a season, a time for every activity under heaven… Ecclesiastes 3:1 After 20 years of serving as the founding CEO of the Christian Stewardship Association, I have entered the season when it time to pass the baton. For many leaders, letting go is much more complex than hanging on. We can get…

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Caring Better for Your Team By Remodel Health

Featured Webcast with Remodel Health: How to Handle Caring Better for Your Team and Cutting Costs At Remodel Health we believe very good leaders seek out ways to care better for their team even when they might not have the resources to make it happen. But what if you discovered there was a way to…

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The Spiritual Insights of Benjamin By Dr. Mark L. Vincent

Learning from the Spiritual Insights of Benjamin My spiritual journey during a COVID pandemic has been to read through the Apocrypha and, more recently, the Pseudepigrapha. Digging more deeply into the literature surrounding the time of Christ’s Advent and the couple of centuries that followed where devout Hebrews and followers of the Way (increasingly called…

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Where Do Your Strategies Stand? By Shannon Litton

Time to Evaluate Your Core Strategies When is the last time you assessed your communication strategies? Is your audience hearing your message loud and clear, or is your story getting lost in translation?  Where does your brand stand? Do you know where you net out on the 5by5 scale of Clarity and Reach? 5by5 is…

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Shifting the Weight of Leadership By Larry Gadbaugh

Are you ready to shift the weight of Leadership? We have all felt the added weight of leadership in this extraordinary season.   More than ever the people we serve are in greater need of wise, caring, and courageous direction and support. We have been called as leaders to advance our God-given mission to represent…

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Creating a Sabbath Culture By Alec Hill

Five Practical Ways to Create a Sabbath Culture Creating a Sabbath culture leads to transformation. When I joined InterVarsity, I was overwhelmed by the piety of my fellow staff. They prayed diligently, studied scripture fervently, and took solitude retreats regularly. But there was one area that was seriously amiss – an almost cavalier disregard of…

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How To Steward 70 and Beyond By Jon Lewis

Caring for Your Life After 70 Last year I turned 70. It wasn’t as traumatic an event as I thought it might be—at first. But then I started getting questions like, “How are you enjoying life now that you are retired?” or “What are you doing now with all your free time?”  Honestly, I came…

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