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Outcomes Conference Podcast with Joni Eareckson Tada

Watch The Outcomes Conference Podcast with Joni Eareckson Tada This month, Christian Leadership Alliance presents the video version of the August Outcomes Conference Podcast with Joni Eareckson Tada. These monthly podcasts are designed to bring to you the excellent leadership insights  that are offered at the annual Outcomes Conference. Every podcast reflects the heart of…

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Future Value and the Nonprofit Leader By Mark L. Vincent

Have you considered the future value you bring as a nonprofit leader? If you are a nonprofit leader who intends the organization to continue beyond your steward leadership, you must solve for future value. And yet, the idea of future value seems somehow tinged for many nonprofit leaders. Some seem to feel that a focus…

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Thriving In Each Season of Life By Dr. Jerry White

Practical Steps for Thriving in Life and Leadership Throughout my life I have seen myself as one who simply kept working hard at whatever God put before me. Did I thrive? Did The Navigators thrive under my leadership? Yes. But at the time, it was not always apparent. There were times of struggle and challenge.…

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Finding Jesus By R. Scott Rodin

Finding Jesus in Unexpected Places Imagine the scene with Jesus depicted for us in John 21. Six men are out fishing all night on the sea of Galilee. This is their domain, where they made their living for so many years before a dramatic event three years earlier pulled them away and set them on…

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Radical Ordinance Puts Ministries at Risk By Scott Blakeman

  Attempting to Extinguish Hope: Radical Ordinance Puts Ministries at Risk Religious freedom is at risk. For the second time, government officials in Anchorage, Alaska, are attempting to prevent a Christian ministry from carrying out its mission to help vulnerable women. At the heart of the matter are laws and ordinances that elevate sexual orientation…

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Our Ultimate Source for Resources By Kim Triller

 The Importance of the Knowing the Source for all Resources The founders of the Christian non-profit organization, in which I serve, realized 40 years ago three key truths about resources: The work of a Gospel sharing non-profit had to have God as the first and premiere resource for all that it would need. It should…

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Vicarious Suffering By Alec Hill

Lessons in Vicarious Suffering ”I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church.” Writing from prison, the apostle Paul inked this statement and it has puzzled theologians for centuries.…

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Leadership as Worship By Larry Gadbaugh

What difference would it make if we viewed our calling in leadership as worship? Following Jesus in our stewardship as leaders includes helping those we lead and live as an act of worship. Jesus understood that his Father’s calling for him was to lead others to become true worshipers of God [Jn 4:23]. God calls…

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Change the Way You Communicate By Palmer Holt

  Get ready to change the way you communicate post COVID-19! It’s not always good to communicate the word “positive” and COVID-19 in the same sentence. But as a veteran professional communicator who’s worked with Christian ministries and nonprofits for decades, I’m absolutely positive COVID-19 has created the perfect storm for faith-based nonprofits, businesses, ministries…

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Influence and Being Known By Dr. Halee Gray Scott

The Influence of Future Generations and The Need to Be Known The influence of the Protestant church in America – even in the Southern states, the so-called Bible belt – is waning. Churches across the country are closing their doors, dying, or are being “adopted” by nearby larger churches. Parachurches, too, are struggling to ascertain…

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