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How to Number Our Days Aright By Jon Lewis

“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”  Psalm 90:12 It’s good to consider just what it means to number our days aright. How do we become a good steward of time. A couple of weeks ago, I celebrated my 70th birthday! On such a life milestone as…

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Stop Raising Up Leaders By Alec Hill and Justin Lawrence

Leaders who can’t manage aren’t really leaders at all! A cottage industry has sprung up around Christian leaders and leadership. Whether it’s conferences, books, videos, or degree programs, there is no shortage of places to listen to inspiring thought leaders. What’s Missing But as we assess churches and other non-profits, this charge-ahead leadership model is…

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Adapt Your Leadership By Lee Ellis

 How to Adapt and Thrive Amidst Constant Change You need to adapt! How many times over the last year did you hear this from others? If there ever was a time during which you’ve had to adapt in ministry, it’s been the last 12 months. Let’s continue talking about it from a different angle that…

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Bigger than Gifts and Buildings By Gary G. Hoag

What Could be Bigger than Gifts and Buildings? Did you know that the Holy Week teachings of Jesus, which are often described as “the Olivet Discourse,” were prompted by some disciples who were celebrating the magnificence of the temple buildings and their elaborate decor fueled by donations? Ironically, this took place immediately after Jesus downplayed…

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Measuring Fundraising Success By Dr. Zenet Maramara

A Different Way of Measuring Fundraising Success Traditional fundraising measures success in terms of meeting targets: amount of money raised, return on investment (ROI), increase in giving and donor data base. All these are good, but if success is measured by these targets only, then we are merely transactional and not transformational fundraisers. From Transaction…

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Defeat The Virus of Discouragement By Matt Fore

2 Powerful Prescriptions To Defeat The Virus of Discouragement When it came to medical advice, your Grandma’s ideas might have been skewed. To be fair, it probably wasn’t her fault. Home remedies were passed down from Mt. Sinai through the family tree and they landed at your house. That’s why, as a kid, you lay…

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Confessions of a Leader By Alec Hill

Confessions of a Leader Who Pretended to be Better than He Really Was Confessions are good for the soul. Several times in my career, people perceived me as being more capable, more spiritual, and more caring than I really was. Deeply desiring not to disappoint – and straining to live up to their inflated image…

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5 Ways to Improve Your Fundraising Strategy By Shelley Cochrane

5 Improvements to Your 2021 Fundraising Strategy A new year presents the opportunity to put fresh eyes on how well you’re engaging your donors and connecting them to the impact their gifts are making. Take a moment to evaluate these five areas to strengthen the bond with your donors. (1) LOOK BACK Look at your…

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Measuring COVID-19 Impact By Mark Mangin

Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 on Fundraising Programs COVID-19 has affected all of us profoundly. It changed the way we serve the public, interact with coworkers, and even the way we fundraise. So, as we seek to learn from the data, how do we measure the impact of COVID-19 on our fundraising programs? Here is…

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Luke and Theophilus By Paul Swamidass

 A Tale of Two Leaders: Luke and Theophilus The gospel of Luke starts with the following words of dedication explaining that it is a carefully prepared account for Theophilus: “…it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that…

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