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The Servant Leadership Style By Prem Kumar Devasahayam Lee

Steward The Servant Leadership Style I have always struggled with the dominant leadership style, that seems to automatically be practiced by everyone. I am the leader or the head, and it is my vision, and I get things done. Where is the Servant Leadership style that Jesus taught? The Vision as a driving force for…

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In the Beginning – Steward Partners By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Partners in stewardship was the original plan! Adam and Eve, male and female, were created together as stewards, not as solitary agents. Together, they create a model of true stewardship, which is a mutual, collaborative partnership. God’s calling of stewards in the Garden is not a singular, individual calling – it is communal, inclusive and…

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Job Title and Charitable Giving By John Curtis

Don’t think Your job title can hurt charitable giving?  Russell James, Ph.D. at Texas Tech University has recently completed the first-ever study of the Effectiveness of Fundraiser Job Titles. His findings should give any Christian organization’s Development or Advancement staff reason to pause and, perhaps, move away from organization-centered titles to more donor-focused titles… his…

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The Heart of Development By Griff Freyschlag

Embracing God’s Heart for Development What is the heart of development? What is our most important role as fundraisers in a ministry? We all have a budget and understand how important it is to raise the necessary amount to support the ministry’s operation so that we can serve those in need effectively, efficiently and responsibly.…

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How Do You Steward Your Words? By Tami Heim

Use the power of your words for good! Your words carry with them the power to bring life and truth or take them both away. As a leader, any notion that what you write and say doesn’t matter is simply not true. A day doesn’t pass where your words aren’t influencing the thinking, behavior, or development…

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Easy Ways to Say Thank You By Jane Jeffries

Saying Thank You to Your Donors is a Top Priority I try to write an article once a year for the local arts magazine. Sometimes, they pay for the article, but my real motivation is to score an invite to the swanky Holiday Fling that they host every year for their volunteers and donors. At…

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Funding Your Leadership Development

Invite others to invest in your development! As a leader with a Christian nonprofit organization, yours is a unique calling that requires professional development. You need training that is both biblically consistent and practically relevant to leading with excellence in today’s world. That’s exactly why Christian Leadership Alliance is the place for a leaders like…

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Business as Mission By Kehinde Ojo

Do you consider your business as mission? Calling ten of his servants, he gave them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Engage in business until I come’  (Luke 19:13, ESV) The story is told of a group of people who lived near a coast. After years of observing shipwreck at sea and the resultant loss…

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Christian Generosity and God’s Money By Clark Dickerson

Why Christians Are Not More Generous with God’s Money I met a couple whose children attended a Christian school that was in the middle of a multi-million dollar capital campaign to raise funds for a new campus.  The purpose of our meeting was to discuss their financial involvement in the campaign. Upon entering their 20,000…

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Changing Your Sense of Self By Lane Cohee

 Are you willing to change your sense of Self? I believe true and lasting change can come only when we leaders do business with our defective sense of self. John is a project leader. He knows the importance of conveying praise to his team for jobs well done, but finds that message of praise hard…

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