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Steward Follower By Dr. Kip Warton

Steward Follower: Called to Steward the Leader I am a follower, but sometimes I don’t do it well. Once again I am in a position the leaves me struggling with the decisions made by my boss. Yes, I lead my section but I am bound by the direction provided by my supervisor despite what appears…

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Strategic Leadership In Action

Strategic Leadership – An Interview with Edgar Sandoval CLA president and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Edgar Sandoval, Chief Operating Officer; World Vision, U.S. Sandoval is responsible for overseeing the implementation of World Vision’s U.S. operations and strategic plan. Sandoval joined World Vision in 2015, bringing with him a strong background in general management, strategy,…

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Judgment Calls By Mark L. Vincent

 Judgment Calls: dealing with organizational leadership scenarios Judgment calls are judgment calls. They aren’t exact. They aren’t easy. They don’t guarantee a successful outcome. What the leader can know is that to do nothing is also a judgment call. That is, the failure to exercise judgment is still a choice of what to do with…

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Three Rules for Abundant Major Giving By Derric Bakker

THREE RULES TO GROW MORE ABUNDANT MAJOR GIVING If you are seeking to grow more abundant major giving at your nonprofit, you would be wise to consider these three irrefutable rules. I had to have a tough conversation with a client recently. A former sales guy turned nonprofit CEO, his perspective on fundraising is heavily influenced by his training…

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When Fear Hits By Lee Ellis

When Fear Hits: 4 Tactics to Conquer it You’re in the midst of a leadership situation or challenge that instills fear. What do you do? In the animal kingdom, fear produces a “fight or flight” response, and it’s true with people, too. But honorable leaders see fear coming and know how to handle it, right?…

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Faith and Work By Dr. Gary Hoag

What is God’s design for the intersection of faith and work? The intersection of faith and work is a hot topic. Rightly so! Work takes up the largest sum of the waking hours of every steward. To borrow the language of Christian philosopher, Francis Schaeffer, we must ask and answer the question: “How should we…

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Do You Need Board Committees? By Michael E. Batts

Five Key Considerations for Establishing Board Committees Every organization is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all set of principles for determining whether an organization should have board committees. There are, however, common considerations in making such a determination. These considerations include: (1) Whether the board can devote sufficient time in board meetings to exercise appropriate…

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The Greatest Challenge By R. Scott Rodin

A Leader’s Greatest Challenge It may seem presumptuous to propose that there is one challenge to leadership that is so universally experienced that it is consistently at the top of the list of reasons leaders struggle and fail. But a recent experience has moved me deeply and convinced me that there may be just such…

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Listening Leaders By Heather McCulloch

  Are you a Listening Leader? There is power in listening, as referenced in the well-known story in the Bible of Jeroboam and Rehoboam in the book of I Kings.   This is a perfect example of a leadership struggle and the importance of being a listening leader. Jeroboam was a wise leader at the beginning…

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It’s Not Begging! By Bruce Dingman

It’s not begging. It’s time to change your perspective. For many, even pastors or presidents of Christian organizations, doing “the ask” is really tough if they think of it as begging. But that’s not the way God would have us view it. Even if one is shy, changing one’s perspective on the subject can make…

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