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Prince of Peace By W. Scott Brown

Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace By W. Scott Brown Today’s world is rife with turmoil. From war, conflict and refugee crises abroad, to contentious election campaigns and policy battles here at home, we feel this tension. But Jesus offers us a peace that transcends this moment. As we approach the glorious resurrection day…

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The Atoning Death

The marvel of heaven and earth, of time and eternity, is the atoning death of Jesus Christ. This is the mystery that brings more glory to God than all creation. ~ C. H. Spurgeon As they led him off, they made Simon, a man from Cyrene who happened to be coming in from the countryside,…

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Perspective of Leadership By John C. Reynolds

By Dr. John C. Reynolds ~ Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) celebrates its 40th anniversary at the Outcomes Conference and the theme for this year is “perspectives.” What sets us apart as “Christian” leaders is that our perspective of leadership, or starting point of view, originates from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As Christians, we…

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Brand It by Scott Collins

Just Brand It By Scott Collins ~ My big brother raises cattle on our farm that has been in my family for 137 years. Every year about this time, cows begin to calf – meaning give birth. As soon as my brother spots a new calf, he brands it. Not in the way John Wayne…

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By Their Fruits By W. Scott Brown

By W. Scott Brown ~  Choosing Leaders by Their Fruits Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount has always captivated me. It is completely counter-cultural. In Matthew chapters 5 through 7, we see some of the most compelling, challenging and inspiring guidance for how Christ wants us to live and lead. I am always challenged by Jesus’…

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Budgeting Insights from the Early Church by Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Four Church Budgeting Insights from the Early Church By Dr. Gary G. Hoag ~ God cares about the faithful handling of church finances and so does the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). I am privileged to serve on an ECFA Advisory Committee offering counsel linked to the development of financial literacy resources for churches.…

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Leading Change By Jeanne Nigro

By Jeanne Nigro ~ Leading change well depends on the heart of the leader. As leaders, we have all seen organizational change efforts come and go — kicked off with great enthusiasm, only to see the excitement wane and the initiative replaced by another. From my experience as a change consultant, I believe this happens…

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The Stewardship of Disruptions By Nathan Jones

By Nathan Jones~ How we handle the speed bumps in life says a lot about our stewardship of disruptions. My wife and I recently had the opportunity to travel with our youngest son to Texas for a conference. Half way through our sixty-minute drive to the airport my wife turned to me and said, “Oh…

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5 Unexpected Benefits of a Ministry Rebrand by Shannon Litton

By Shannon Litton ~ Did you know there  are 5 unexpected benefits of a ministry rebrand? Perhaps you have gone through a ministry rebrand before. At the time, you knew the importance of getting the look and feel of your organization up to date to keep constituents happy and proud. On a deeper level, you…

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Lead Like Daniel By W. Scott Brown

By W. Scott Brown ~ Lately, I have thought often of Old Testament prophet Daniel and what it would mean to lead like Daniel. My pastor recently led a fascinating sermon series on the book of Daniel, and several books I read in recent months focused on Daniel and his life in Babylon. Like Daniel,…

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