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Lessons for Leaders: Give It Away by Wayne Pederson

By Wayne Pederson I recently sold our home of 32 years. The garage and storage room was full of stuff we had set aside because we might “need it someday”. 30 years later, those indispensable filled the 8 yard dumpster I ordered. Interesting how the things we hang on to as indispensable become of little…

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The Scope of a Steward Leader by Sara Nagelvoort Marlin

By Sara Nagelvoort Marlin Last year I joined a Christian ministry for the first time in my career, having spent more than twenty years in corporate marketing environments. Among my early observations was what seemed to be the “de rigueur” concept in Christian ministry:  steward leadership. Everyone was talking about it. Makes sense, I thought,…

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Lessons for Leaders: The Gift of Giving by Wayne Pederson

By Wayne Pederson I grew up poor and was brought up to be very frugal. I worked my way through university and seminary, skimping in food and clothes. Those habits became very ingrained in my life. Now that I’m a bit more financially secure, I’m trying to unlearn those habits and learning to be more…

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Voices from Manila: The Power of Steward Leaders by R. Scott Rodin

By R. Scott Rodin I have just returned from teaching twenty-five students at Asian Theological Seminary in Manila on the Theology and Practice of the Steward Leader. I came away amazed and humbled by how powerfully the Holy Spirit worked in them during our days together. Listen to their voices and see if in them…

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Mentoring for Life by Cindy Hopkins

By Cindy Hopkins “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” –Prov. 11:25 When Susan was hired as the executive director of her pregnancy center in 2006, she knew the calling was strong, and it was confirmed by the confidence that the board seemed to have in her abilities to lead an…

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Our Offer to the Next Generation By Andrea Buczynski

By Andrea Buczynski Every leader has something to offer the next generation. Two different colleagues come to mind, neither of who would say they develop others. One, a superior vision caster and networker, put his thoughts together on casting vision in a short video. He then created an example and challenged the audience to evaluate him…

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The Prayers of a Steward Leader by Mark L. Vincent

By Mark L. Vincent I am currently teaching The Steward Leader for Christian Leadership Alliance for a group of international persons. Having taught this course several times to mostly Americans I’m struck with a couple of contrasts. First, is the order of magnitude of issues being considered. Americans are largely concerned with how to demonstrate a steward’s…

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Knowing God Without Knowing All of God by Barnabas Piper

By Barnabas Piper In the post-enlightenment western world we live by rules of science. Theories are posed, evidence is gathered, facts disputed, and in the end truth is discovered. At least truth about some things is discovered. But the model of scientific discovery simply does not apply to much of life. One of the not-so-subtle…

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3 Major Roadblocks to Fundraising as Ministry

By Rebekah Basinger There is much to be gained from the fundraiser’s point of view in approaching our work as a calling. So what’s holding us back? As I’ve talked with people about the challenges of pursuing fundraising as a ministry, the following are the three major roadblocks to fundraising as ministry that have shown…

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4 Sound Instructions for a Steward Leader by Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D.

  By Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. In 1 Timothy 6:3, the “sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ” are set in contrast to false teaching linked to money. In other words, bad teaching related to handling riches was present in the community of faith and Paul wanted Timothy to teach only what was “sound” or…

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