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Inspiration for Every Leader by Scott Wennermark

Seven Bible Verses Full Inspiration for Every Leader Every leader experiences highs and lows and needs inspiration. In the lowest of times, distress and depression can threaten to take over, and diminish the “highs” we’ve achieved. As leaders, it’s important to receive encouragement from the greatest leadership text of all time — The Bible. Here…

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The Time That Dominates By R. Scott Rodin

Which Kind of Time Dominates Your Life and Leadership? One of the most challenging topics to study in science, philosophy, and theology is the idea of time. One helpful teaching for me has been the distinction between chronos and kairos time. TWO TYPES Chronos refers to the twenty-four hours in a day that are given…

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Which Leader Are You? By R. Scott Rodin

Are You a Paddle or Pool Cue Leader? Icons can be great reminders of spiritual truths for a leader. Consider these two for your leadership work: a paddle and a pool cue. Let’s start with the pool cue. If you’ve ever played pool you know the object of the game is to pocket the pool…

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Lessons for Leaders: Accessibility

By Wayne Pederson When I first started in management, I bumped into our CEO.  For point of contact, I asked if I could stop by his office for a quick visit. He hesitated, squirmed and finally said he was totally booked for the next three months. I was kind of impressed with how busy he…

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Six Steps Towards Healing for the Wounded Leader

By Gail Dudley As leaders, do you ever find yourself afraid, abused, broken, fearful or feeling hopeless and insignificant? Do you at times feel lonely or rejected? Have you been in a place where the enemy has whispered a lie into your spirit? Did you believe the lie as truth? Let’s get to the root…

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4 Ways to Measure Authenticity

By John C. Reynolds, Ph.D. King David of Israel was not perfect, but he was, I believe, authentic. We, in our roles as leaders today, are not perfect, but I know we each want to be authentic. The challenge of course is that not one of us can declare ourselves to be authentic; this is…

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The Stamp of Approval

An Interview by Laura Leonard for Outcomes Magazine As president of ECFA, Dan Busby is out to help churches and Christ-centered organizations operate with sound financial practices. ECFA offers accreditation for organizations that meet the ECFA   standards. Outcomes spoke with Busby about the importance of wise financial stewardship for Christian ministries. How does accreditation with…

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More Blessed: To Give or Receive?

By Lilya Wagner One of the most familiar texts in the Bible — that we remember from our childhood efforts to memorize key texts, and that has also taken on the air of an aphorism — is from Acts 20:35 in which Jesus is quoted as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” That…

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What Song is Your Life Streaming?

By Doug Nuenke How would those closest to you — your spouse, a close friend, or a team member — describe the melody of your life? Would they suggest a light-hearted Bach fugue or a dramatic Beethoven symphony? How would they characterize the tempo and the dynamics of your life?  “He was busy.” “She made…

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Caretakers of Creation By Howard Rich

I was recently remembering the environmental and anti-littering commercials that were on television during my childhood.  Maybe you remember them too.  One ad campaign featured a Native American seated on a horse, a tear of sadness rolling down his cheek, as he gazed upon the litter piled up in the valley below him.  These commercials…

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