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Defining Christian Excellence

By Ted W. Engstrom & Ed Dayton Excellence is a Measure Excellence demands definition. One of the trite replies of our day, when asked how we like something or how well something is going is “Compared to what?” But excellence is like that. It assumes a standard. And conversely, excellence assumes inferiority. It assumes there’s…

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Fighting The Need to Increase

By Dr. R. Scott Rodin When John the Baptist saw Jesus walking in his presence, he made the declaration, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”  Most Christian leaders would say that in their hearts they would wish that Jesus would increase and they would decrease.  But it is hard to decrease in a leadership…

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What A Ministry Must Know About Brand Management

By Shannon Litton Mission-minded ministry leaders often overlook the important job of building a sustainable and effective brand. Ministries must not underestimate the important role brand management plays in engaging and sustaining relationships with those who make their work possible. Your audience today requires authenticity. The shiny, perfectly packaged messages of yesterday are no longer…

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Lessons for Leaders: The Heart

By Wayne Pederson In our capitalistic society, much of one’s success or notoriety is based on performance.  If we do well, if we are successful, we are esteemed and valued. Even in the church, maybe especially in the church, our worth is often measured by performance.  How many attended?  How big is your budget?  How many…

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I Got Nothin' – What's a Steward Leader to Do?

By Dr. John R. Frank, CFRE As I was preparing to write this blog I thought to myself, “I got nothin’.” I was empty. I had no thoughts running around my head to share and start someone thinking.  And then I put myself once again in the place of a leader who desires to be…

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Are You Walking With God?

In April 2014, Pastor Francis Chan addressed Christian leaders assembled for the Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) national conference in Dallas (CLA Dallas 2014). Prior to going on stage to address attendees, Francis Chan sat down with CLA President and CEO Tami Heim for a backstage interview. Here is an excerpt from that video interview as…

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When Stewards Fall: Restoration

By Howard Rich When I think about the ups and downs, the successes and the failures of my life, I sometimes think of the Apostle Peter.  He was one of the inner circle, witnessed the transfiguration, professed Jesus as Christ, and walked on water with the King.  Those were some of his better moments, which…

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Defining Steward Leadership

By  Kent R. Wilson Ph.D. In the past three decades there has been an increasing interest and reference to steward leadership. But for all of the articles, books and seminars that have been given on steward leadership, I find one fact that stands out: we have yet to agree on a core definition of steward…

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Rooted in Christ: The Secret of Lasting Fruit

By W. Scott Brown I love the verdant scene painted in Psalm 1:1-3. It portrays a vibrant, fruitful tree with leaves that don’t wither amidst heat or drought. The scene is especially poignant when one considers the arid desert-like landscape of Israel. Just imagine the wonder of seeing that flourishing fruit tree in the midst…

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Who Is In Control?

“Unless we’re convinced the good Lord is in absolute control of everything, we’ll be controlled by anxiety and fear.”—George Foreman  God is our Refuge and Strength [mighty and impenetrable to temptation], a very present and well-proved help in trouble. ~ Psalm 46:1 AMP  We, especially those of us who live in the Western world, love…

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