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Fundraising in Crisis – Part II By Ron Frey

COVID-19: Fundraising in Crisis – Part II When referencing the COVID-19 crisis, someone recently asked: “Is this a blizzard, the onset of a long hard winter, or the beginning of an Ice Age?” ​ In troubled economic times, many donors will evaluate their giving and make adjustments based on the need and how well their…

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Fundraising in the COVID-19 Crisis – Part I By Ron Frey

COVID-19: Fundraising in Crisis – Part I Someone recently asked: “Is this a blizzard, the onset of a long hard winter, or the beginning of an Ice Age?” ​ How do you describe these times? Life disrupted? Yes, that’s an apt description, but it’s a lot more than that. The foundation of our economy shaken?…

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Agenda or Kingdom Driven? By Steve Cummings

Agenda Driven or Kingdom Driven?   Conventional wisdom dictates that non-profit development officers have one agenda: Raise money.  Job descriptions now list so many metrics and functions that only a Galilean from Nazareth could fulfill this role.  We have made “ministry in the name of Jesus” a corporate business and structured our non-profits like Fortune…

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Fundraising Plans for 2020 By Nicole Nieves

Five Fundraising Plans to Implement in 2020 If you listed the top five ways your organization could start the year off strong, what would make the cut? Perhaps it’s staying ahead of the latest trends, having a solid strategic plan, or effectively utilizing data and analysis. But there’s one thing even more important than all…

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Are You Engaged in Faith-based Fundraising? By Wes Willmer

Faith-based and Ministry-focused Fundraising for Nonprofits   In Growing Givers’ Hearts: Treating Fundraising as Ministry  (Jossey-Bass), authors Tom Jeavons and Rebekah Basinger compare and contrast how a faith-based, ministry-focused model of raising resources is very different from a secular approach focused strictly on the bottom line. They concluded that it all boils down to values,…

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Text Message Fundraising By Amy Sewell

Text messages for fundraising – what every nonprofit needs to know! Text messaging is the one method of communication out there that stands alone with a 95% open rate. As mailboxes, inboxes, and social feeds get more complex and crowded this platform brings new hope. Their unique ability to get a message right in front…

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4th Quarter Readiness By Mark Mangin and Adam Petraglia

Are you Ready for 4th Quarter? It can be hard to think about  being ready for 4th quarter when it feels like warm weather has just arrived. But planning ahead now can put you into a much better situation when you are at your busiest this fall. Here are a few tips to set you…

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Job Title and Charitable Giving By John Curtis

Don’t think Your job title can hurt charitable giving?  Russell James, Ph.D. at Texas Tech University has recently completed the first-ever study of the Effectiveness of Fundraiser Job Titles. His findings should give any Christian organization’s Development or Advancement staff reason to pause and, perhaps, move away from organization-centered titles to more donor-focused titles… his…

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The Heart of Development By Griff Freyschlag

Embracing God’s Heart for Development What is the heart of development? What is our most important role as fundraisers in a ministry? We all have a budget and understand how important it is to raise the necessary amount to support the ministry’s operation so that we can serve those in need effectively, efficiently and responsibly.…

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Tips for Good Storytelling By Jane Jeffries

5 Tips for Good Storytelling in Fundraising Good storytelling is what engages, invites, and compels a response from others. Remember when you were young, and everyone eagerly gathered around the campfire to listen to statistics?  Yeah, I don’t either. Because statistics don’t get our attention like a good story, especially in fundraising. Stories are how…

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